
THz: Research Frontiers for New Sources, Imaging and Other Advanced Technologies

Edited by
November 2021
188 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2163-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2164-0 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue THz: Research Frontiers for New Sources, Imaging and Other Advanced Technologies that was published in

Physical Sciences

The THz region of the electromagnetic spectrum is a frontier research area involving application of many disciplines, from outdoor to indoor communications, security, drug detection, biometrics, food quality control, agriculture, medicine, semiconductors, and air pollution. THz research is highly demanding in term of sources with high power and time resolution, detectors, and new spectrometer systems. Many open questions still exist regarding working at THz frequencies; many materials exhibit unusual or exotic properties in the THz domain, and researchers need new methodologies to exploit these opportunities. This book contains original papers dealing with emerging applications, new devices, sources and detectors, and materials with advanced properties for applications in biomedicine, cultural heritage, technology, and space.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
terahertz; free electron laser; energy recovery; THz spectroscopy; free-electron-lasers; nonlinear optics; THz; waveguide spectroscopy; coating materials; particle accelerators; terahertz; leaky-wave antennas; metasurface; liquid crystals; graphene; THz; FEL; copper; damage; surface; THz; coherent synchrotron radiation; low alpha; cross-correlation; pump-probe; terahertz spectroscopy; terahertz time-domain spectroscopy; terahertz pulsed imaging; near-field imaging; biomedical imaging; cancer diagnosis; endoscopy; infrared analysis; microspectroscopy; cultural heritage; synchrotron radiation; niobium; proximity effects; superconductivity; detectors; terahertz; Vortex dynamics; coherent synchrotron radiation; bunch length; FEL; linac; terahertz; THz; far infrared; FEL; spectroscopy; imaging; THz source; high-brightness electron beams; laser comb technique; terahertz; THz spectroscopy; optical indices; nonlinear effects; optical rectification; organic crystals; HMQ-TMS; THz; FEL; coherent synchrotron radiation; waveguides; THz detector; THz imaging