
Taxonomy and Ecology of Marine Algae

Edited by
February 2022
218 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3248-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3249-3 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Taxonomy and Ecology of Marine Algae that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

The term “algae” refers to a large diversity of unrelated phylogenetic entities, ranging from picoplanktonic cells to macroalgal kelps. Marine algae are an important primary producer in the marine food chain, responsible for the high primary production of coastal areas, providing food resources in situ for many grazing species of gastropods, peracarid crustaceans, sea urchins or fish. Recent findings indicate that marine environments have rapidly changed due to global warming over the past several decades. This change has led to significant variations in marine algal ecology. For example, a long-term increase in ocean temperatures due to global warming has facilitated the intensification of harmful algal blooms, which adversely impact public health, aquatic organisms, and aquaculture industries. Thus, extensive studies have been conducted, but there is still a gap in our understanding of the variation in their ecology in accordance with future marine environmental changes. To fill this gap, studies on the taxonomy and ecology of marine algae are highly necessary.

We have invited algologists to submit research articles that enable us to advance our understanding of the taxonomy and ecology of marine algae. Fourteen papers have been collected so far, which cover different aspects of the taxonomy and ecology of marine algae, including understudied species, interspecific comparisons, and new techniques.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Ulva prolifera; Bacillus sp.; allelopathy; photosynthetic system; reactive oxygen species (ROS); antioxidative system; Chlorella vulgaris; cold-tolerant; PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids); calorific value; Cystoseira; algal cartography; abrasion platforms; SE Mediterranean; phylogeny supertree; DNA sequencing; harmful algal blooms; brown tide; life history; Aureococcus anophagefferens; resting stage cell; Karlodinium; trophic modes; phagotrophy; mixotrophy; Scrippsiella; resting cyst; intercalary plate; precingular plate; ribotype; Tetraselmis suecica; associated bacterial community; free-living bacteria; particle associated bacteria; Bacillus nitratireducens; fermentation broth; polyaluminum chloride coagulation (PAC); Gymnodinium catenatum; cysts; sub-fossil diatom; sediment; Suncheonman Bay; new record; Bysmatrum; cyst; eyespot; morphology; ribotype; lagoon; new record diatoms; taxonomic; ecological; habitat; Acrochaetioid; Colaconema formosanum; COI-5P; Endophytic alga; Nemaliophycidae; rbcL; taxonomy; harmful algae; molecular detection; monitoring; Jeju coastal waters; Ulva prolifera; Changjiang; southwestern Yellow Sea; outbreak mechanisms; wind anomaly; n/a

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