
Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices

Edited by
February 2022
116 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3283-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3282-0 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Physical Sciences

The book "Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices" reports new, improved electrocatalytic materials for batteries, capacitors, and fuel cells. These advances are expected to significantly impact the performance of electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices and, consequently, their commercialisation. This book is intended to be a valuable tool for those from industry and academia interested in knowing more about the field.

  • Hardback
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
sol-gel synthesis; EDTA chelator; cathode materials; layered oxide; doping; lithium-ion batteries; alkaline electrolyser; electrocatalyst; electrodeposition; energy material; nanofilm; nickel foam; oxygen evolution reaction; PANI, LiFePO4; conducting polymers; hybrid materials; lithium-ion batteries; Li-doped NiO; microwave synthesis; computational simulation; electrochemical measurements; photoluminescence; MC polymer electrolyte; impedance study; ion transport; ftir analysis; TNM; LSV; CV analyses; n/a