
Advances in Architectural Acoustics

Edited by
June 2022
356 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4295-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4296-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Architectural Acoustics that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences

Satisfactory acoustics is crucial for the ability of spaces such as auditoriums and lecture rooms to perform their primary function. The acoustics of dwellings and offices greatly affects the quality of our life, since we are all consciously or subconsciously aware of the sounds to which we are daily subjected. Architectural acoustics, which encompasses room and building acoustics, is the scientific field that deals with these topics and can be defined as the study of generation, propagation, and effects of sound in enclosures. Modeling techniques, as well as related acoustic theories for accurately calculating the sound field, have been the center of many major new developments. In addition, the image conveyed by a purely physical description of sound would be incomplete without regarding human perception; hence, the interrelation between objective stimuli and subjective sensations is a field of important investigations.

A holistic approach in terms of research and practice is the optimum way for solving the perplexing problems which arise in the design or refurbishment of spaces, since current trends in contemporary architecture, such as transparency, openness, and preference for bare sound-reflecting surfaces are continuing pushing the very limits of functional acoustics. All the advances in architectural acoustics gathered in this Special Issue, we hope that inspire researchers and acousticians to explore new directions in this age of scientific convergence.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
acoustic measurements; impulse response measurements; omnidirectional source; dodecahedron; acoustic parameters; sound source; reverberation time; ISO 3382; auralization; sound absorption; perforated panels; micro-perforated panels; resonant absorbers; frequency domain; PUFEM; room acoustics; wave-based method; discretization error; explicit method; finite element method; high order scheme; room acoustic simulations; time domain; shoebox concert hall; diffusive surfaces; diffusers location; acoustical parameters; variable acoustics; subjective investigation; auralization; acoustics; opera house; intangible cultural heritage; open-air ancient theatres; acoustical parameters; ISO 3382-1; firecrackers; building acoustics; sound absorption coefficient; prediction models; supervised learning method; worship space acoustics; acoustics simulation; acoustic heritage; archaeo-acoustics; worship space acoustics; acoustic subspaces; auralization; acoustics; micro-perforated panels; FDTD simulation; speech intelligibility; open-plan offices; spatial decay; ISO 3382-3; room absorption; office noise; speech; room acoustics; calculation models; absorption; scattering; airflow resistivity; long space; coherent image source method; sound-absorbing boundary; sound field modeling; scale-model experiment; reflection power; room response; directional decay rates; room modes; eigenbeam processing; spatial correlation; concert hall acoustics; lateral reflections; shoebox typology; spatial impression; perception thresholds; skeletal reflections; reflection sequence; perception thresholds; seat dip effect; seat height; seat spacing; sound absorption; mechanism; n/a

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