
Advances in Flow Modeling for Water Resources and Hydrological Engineering

Edited by
January 2023
420 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6512-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6511-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Flow Modeling for Water Resources and Hydrological Engineering that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

Water resource systems planning and management issues are often very complex. The pressures on water resources are increasing with the expanding scale of global development involving ecological and hydrological consequences in river basins and groundwater aquifers, and water-quality deterioration. All this leads to the increasing need for investigating the effects of different human influences and impacts on the hydrological regime and on water quality like as land-use changes, climatic variability and climate changes, and intensified water and land-use practices. The Special Issue “Advances in Flow Modeling for Water Resources and Hydrological Engineering” presents a collection of scientific contributions that provides a sample of the state-of-the-art and forefront research in this field. In particular, basin-wide water resources planning, watershed management, flood forecasting, droughts, climate change impacts on flood risk and water resources, reservoir operation and management, river morphology and sediment transport, river water quality, and irrigation were the main research and practice targets that the papers published in this Special Issue aimed to address.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
stream discharge; near-natural catchment; trend analysis; NW Spain; field-scale hydrological models; DRAINMOD; tile drainage; nitrate leaching; climate change; venturi flume; CFD; OpenFOAM; RANS; turbulence model; numerical simulation; Parshall flume; water balance; Thornthwaite–Mather method; Python; serverless computing approach; watershed hydrology; Yukon River plume; river discharge; sediment load; flocculation; plunging; underflow; flood; geological categories; probability; Medvednica Mt.; Croatia; numerical model; shallow water equations; dam break; dry and wet beds modeling; river flow; open channels; eddy viscosity; parabolic profile; streamwise velocity distribution; turbulent kinetic energy (TKE); mixing length; log law; log wake; hydrological modeling; streamflow; water balance; SWAT; Venturi flume; CFD; OpenFOAM; RANS; nonlinear model; turbulence model; numerical simulation; Parshall flume; burned areas; hydrological modelling; infiltration capacity; SCS-CN; post-fire; shock wave; spillway; spillway pier; flat chute; physical modeling; hydrology; tiling; subsurface flow; Iowa; variational ensemble forecasting; hydrologic processing strategies or hypotheses; SR2MR streamflow forecasting; real-time hydrologic forecasting system; satellite precipitation products; multi models; best streamflow prediction; inverse variance weighting; inverse probability weighting; climate change; representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5; modified Mann–Kendall trend test; Ziway Lake Basin; Rift Valley; Ethiopia; maximum precipitation; maximum flow; climate change; hydrological modeling; gravel bed rivers; skin friction; flow resistance; bed forms; energy slope; boundary layer characteristics; abrupt negative step; hydraulic jump; energy loss; momentum closure; Boussinesq equations; specified intervals; SWAT; streamflow; MODIS; evapotranspiration; hydrological modeling; multi-variable calibration; regional flood frequency; ungauged catchments; direct rainfall modelling; headwater catchments; Australia; drought; climate change; water; hydrology; streamflow; water resources modelling; flood forecast; climate-change impacts; drought; river quality; river morphology; watershed hydrology; watershed management; reservoir management

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