
New Spin on Metal-Insulator Transitions

Edited by
April 2023
278 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7058-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7059-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue New Spin on Metal-Insulator Transitions that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Metal‒insulator transitions (MITs) constitute a core subject of fundamental condensed matter research. The localization of conduction electrons occurs in a large variety of materials and engenders intriguing quantum phenomena such as unconventional superconductivity and exotic magnetism. Nearby an MIT, minuscule changes of the interaction strength via chemical substitution, doping, physical pressure, or even disorder can trigger spectacular resistivity changes from zero in a superconductor to infinity in an insulator near T = 0. While approaching an insulating state from the conducting side, deviations from Fermi-liquid transport in bad and strange metals are the rule rather than the exception. As the drosophila of electron‒electron interactions, the Mott MIT receives particular attention from theory as it can be studied using the Hubbard model. On the experimental side, organic charge-transfer salts and transition metal oxides are versatile platforms for working toward solving the puzzles of correlated electron systems. This Special Issue provides a view into the ongoing research endeavors investigating emergent phenomena around MITs.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
strongly correlated systems; organic conductors; relaxor-ferroelectrics; dielectric spectroscopy; infrared spectroscopy; disordered systems; metal insulator transition; Anderson localization; random disorder; typical medium theory; dynamical mean field theory; coherent potential approximation; dynamical cluster approximation; cellular dynamical mean field theory; cluster mean field theory; FFLO; organic superconductor; penetration depth measurement; organic superconductor; resistance; FFLO phase; vortex dynamics; charge-transfer salts; (TMTTF)2X; Fabre salts; charge order; strongly correlated electron systems; extended Hubbard model; bandwidth tuning; partial chemical substitution; negative chemical pressure; phase transitions; metal-insulator transitions; optical conductivity; vibrational spectroscopy; FTIR; organic superconductor; strong electron correlations; heat capacity; Mott transition; charge-transfer solid crystals; two-dimensional metal; carrier localization; negative magnetoresistance; phase coherence length; organic conductor; Mott insulator; electric double-layer transistor; uniaxial strain; molecular conductors; quantum spin liquid; thermal conductivity; cooling rate; electrical resistivity; low-temperature crystal structure; 13C-NMR; heavy fermion compounds; strange metals; Planckian dissipation; quantum criticality; Kondo destruction; superconductivity; nickelates; strongly correlated electron systems; superconductivity; charge order; molecular conductor; manganites; colossal magnetoresistance; metal–insulator transition; charge order; grain size; variable range hopping; Anderson localization; core–shell model; strongly correlated electrons; metal-insulator transition; charge order; charge glass; charge crystal; geometrical frustration; organics; optical conductivity; organic superconductor; superconductivity; charge density wave; spin density wave; spin liquid; FFLO state; materials database; data science; Mott transition; quantum criticality; resistivity maxima; dielectric response; dilute 2DEGs; Mott organics; twisted transition-metal dichalcogenide bilayers; dynamical mean field theory; percolation theory; spinon theory; metal insulator transition; anderson localization; random disorder; typical medium theory; dynamical mean field theory; coherent potential approximation; neural network; quantum impurity solver; Anderson impurity; organic charge-transfer salts; magnetic exchange beyond Heisenberg; intra-dimer charge and spin degrees of freedom; electron-lattice coupling; disorder; n/a

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