
Prebiotics and Probiotics

Edited by
August 2018
486 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-168-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-169-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Prebiotics and Probiotics that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

The purpose of this Special Issue, “Prebiotics and Probiotics”, is to focus on the importance of intestinal microbiota for human health and disease and the possibilities of influencing its composition and function with probiotics and prebiotics.

The goal is to clarify that the microbiome in the maternal fetal and during pediatric age, as well as the immediate changes that occur as new microbes are acquired postnatally play major roles in subsequent health and disease. Rapidly developing technologies for multi-omic analyses and systems biology are shifting paradigms in both scientific knowledge and clinical care.

Finally, the idea will be to provide health professionals with comprehensive, understandable and highly readable updated information on the intestinal microbiota, probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
aging; Bifidobacterium; elderly; immunity; probiotic; hypercholesterolemia; high-cholesterol diet; probiotics mixture; Bifidobacterium longum; Bifidobacterium lactis; Bifidobacterium breve; Lactobacillus reuteri; Lactobacillus plantarum; liver steatosis; yogurt intake; stroke; coronary heart disease; cardiovascular disease; meta-analysis; probiotics; yogurt; functional foods; microbiome; dairy products; food supply; packaged foods; Canada; public health; preventive medicine; probiotics; gut microbiota; Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; pregnancy; insulin resistance; Lactobacillus reuteri; intestinal epithelial cells; neonatal piglets; host defense peptide; gut microbiota; immune function; IFN-γ; NK cell activity; probiotics; prebiotics; gluten-free bread; intestinal microbiota; SCFA; calcium balance; Lactulose; microbial fermentation; Bifidobacteria; lactobacilli; Anaerostipes; butyrate; ammonia; agavins; prebiotics; microbiota; overweight; body weight loss; short chain fatty acids; Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus; lead toxicity; adsorption; antioxidative activity; probiotics; rotavirus; Bifidobacterium; Lactobacillus; preterm newborn; feeding intolerance; probiotic; probiotic bacteria; prebiotics; synbiotics; human health; gut microbiota; gut microbiota; obesity; insulin resistance; NAFLD; probiotic; prebiotic; symbiotic; probiotics; prebiotics; seroprotection; seroconversion; influenza vaccine; systematic review; meta-analysis; infant formula; regurgitation; gastric emptying; Lactobacillus reuteri; partially hydrolysed whey; starch; probiotics; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; sepsis; necrotizing enterocolitis; non-coeliac gluten/wheat sensitivity; pathogenic mechanism; butyrate; amylase trypsin inhibitors; lipopolysaccharide; intestinal alkaline phosphatase; microbiota; chronic pelvic pain syndrome; irritable bowel syndrome; irritable bowel syndrome-severity scoring system; rifaximin; probiotic VSL#3; feruloylated arabinoxylan oligosaccharides; rice bran polyphenols; short-chain fatty acids; gut microbiota; prebiotic; colon health; Lactobacillus salivarius; probiotic; Candida albicans; cariogenic biofilm; Streptococcus mutans; microbiota; prebiotics; probiotics; health; disease; HIV; asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment; immune activation; central nervous system; neopterin; probiotic; supplementation; multi-strain; dysbiosis; gut-brain axis; prematurity; infant gut microbiota; DNA microarray; immune maturation; gut ecosystem; food intake; metabolic response; machine learning; network analysis; gut microbiota; dysbiosis; inflammatory bowel disease; metabolome; meta 16S rRNA analysis; 1H-NMR analysis; experimental colitic mice; Lactobacillus; cystic fibrosis; gut microbiota profiling; KEGG prediction-tailored probiotic design; intestinal barrier maturation; intestinal microbiota; obligate anaerobic bacteria; tight junctions; human milk; translocation; Lactobacillus salivarius; lux; bioluminescence; pregnancy; lactation; probiotics; pediatric gastrointestinal infection; mechanism of action; intestinal microbiota; immune system; infant; newborn; probiotics; review; sepsis

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