
Toward a New World in Scholarly Communication: The 9th PUBMET2022 Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science

Edited by
October 2023
172 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8980-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8981-7 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Toward a New World in Scholarly Communication: The 9th PUBMET2022 Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science that was published in

Business & Economics
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

The current Special Issue of Publications is dedicated to PUBMET2022, The 9th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science. The PUBMET conference aimed to provide a forum for the community involved in scholarly communication and the dissemination of knowledge, inviting researchers, information and communication specialists, librarians, editors, publishers, teachers, students, research funders, policy makers, repository managers, and other stakeholders involved in scholarly communication to discuss the current changes, developments, and advancements in scholarly communication from the perspective of open science. The PUBMET conference is open to individuals who are interested in learning more about and sharing their research results and experiences on the practices in open science.

The current Special Issue contains submissions of research that reflect both practical and technical innovations, which serve the implementation of open science. The following topics are addressed in the present publication: Assessing the quality of research processes, research outputs, and publication channels; Re-designing open access—rights-retention strategies and alternatives to paid OA; FAIRness of open science; The potential of public engagement with science and environmental activism; Raising efficiency and effectiveness in scholarly communication.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
European Open Science Cloud; NI4OS-Europe; National Open Science Cloud Initiatives; Open Science; national policies; Southeast Europe; scholarly communication; I-space model; scholars; communication channels; transparency and openness promotion; TOP guidelines; TOP Factor; open science; publishing policies; indicators; open science; discovery; diversity; user; social sciences; humanities; Hungary; NI4OS-Europe; EOSC; open science; science communication; CeOS_SE project; citizen science; libraries cooperation; National and University Library in Zagreb; organizational challenges; automatic typesetting; media-neutral publishing; open access; open source; scholarly publishing; XML/HTML conversion; green open access; self-archiving; clinical trial; scholarly communication; shareyourpaper; unpaywall; open access publishing; open access monographs; open access scholarly books; library crowdfunding; open access business models; sustainability of open access business models; sustainability of open access monographs; Croatia; open access books; scholarly book publishing; n/a