
Engineering and Characterisation of Novel Nanomedicine Formulations

Edited by
May 2024
270 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1096-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1095-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Engineering and Characterisation of Novel Nanomedicine Formulations that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Over the last few decades, nanomedicine has become a hot topic in formulation science regarding selectively delivering drugs to target tissues. Nanomedicines can modify drug release and encapsulate poorly soluble drugs, allowing for a selective targeting and minimizing adverse effects. This is of key importance in antitumoral and anti-infectious therapies, in which undesired drug release can lead to severe damage to healthy tissues. Moreover, they protect drugs from degradation, allowing for the the delivery of RNA. This reprint encompasses works describing the design, development and characterization of lipid nanomedicines, dendrimers and virus nanoparticles among others, as well as the evaluation of their toxicity and their anticancer and antifungal efficacy. Moreover, it analyzes the quality assessment of nanomedicines under clinical investigation.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
solid lipid nanoparticles; hydrogel; antifungal; terbinafin; Candida albicans; clinical trials; investigational medicinal products; nanocarrier; nanomedicine; quality; regulatory; rotavirus; S60-VP8* pseudovirus nanoparticle; rotavirus vaccine; rotavirus VP8*; non-replicating rotavirus vaccine; norovirus S60 nanoparticle; nanomedicine; microfluidics; liposomes; manufacture; engineering; scale-up; triple negative breast cancer; cisplatin; hypoxia; nanoparticle; diffusion; solid tumors; rate of drug release; metastatic potential; acute toxicity; breast cancer; metastasis; exosomes; liposomes; doxorubicin; perylenediimide; biological properties; cancer; cytotoxicity; metal complexes; silver; copper; PAMAM dendrimer; Ang-(1-7); cardiac ischemia/reperfusion; Mas receptor; surface chemistry; dendrimer generation; toxicity; ethosome; Zingiber zerumbet Linn; antifungal; skin permeation; fungal infection; biological identity; biological fluids; flow field flow fractionation (FFF)-multidetection; hyperthermia treatment; intravenous administration; magnetic nanoparticles; native characterization; protein corona; breast cancer; pH-sensitive liposomes; coencapsulation; doxorubicin; simvastatin; acute myeloid leukemia; targeted delivery; siRNA lipid nanoparticles (LNPs); very-late antigen-4 (VLA-4); bone marrow targeting; functional cyclized polyethylene glycol; PEGylation of laponite; hybrid nanoparticles; drug delivery; n/a