Open Access Book

Transitioning to Zero Hunger

Edited by
December 2023
264 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-862-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-863-3 (PDF)

This book is part of the book series Transitioning to Sustainability.

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Environmental & Earth Sciences

In 2015, the United Nations decided to establish the goal of achieving “zero hunger” in the world by 2030 through “outcome targets” such as eliminating hunger and improving access to food, ending all forms of malnutrition, promoting sustainable and resilient agriculture, and maintaining genetic diversity in food production. As a result of this decision, strategies are under way in different countries around the world in the form of political, academic, development, and non-governmental organisation projects and programs. Five years later, these strategies have certainly generated results that need to be documented and analysed so as to answer the following questions: what are the progress and success stories in terms of policies, innovations, technologies, and approaches to reach the zero hunger goal? What are the constraints and mitigation strategies? Are we really in a phase of transition towards the zero hunger goal? What new directions do we need to consider to achieve this goal, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected all sectors of development around the world?


Transitioning to Zero Hunger is part of MDP’'s Open Access book series, Transitioning to Sustainability, which aims to add to the conversation about regional and global sustainable development according to the 17 SDGs.

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