
Environmentally Sustainable Livestock Production

Edited by
January 2019
290 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-552-6 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-553-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Environmentally Sustainable Livestock Production that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
This book looks at key research covering a wide range of aspects of environmental sustainability and the mitigation of environmental impacts of livestock production, including emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide), nitrogen and phosphorus excretion, ammonia emissions, land use and land management, and use of energy and other resources. All the globally most important livestock species (beef and dairy cattle, pigs, broiler chicken and laying hens) are covered in the book. The mitigation methods assessed in the papers include general system changes, changes in feeding, improvement of animal health, and new technologies of manure management. The scope of the papers included in this book ranges from farm level mitigation methods to national level system changes. This book also addresses methodological development in assessing the environmental sustainability of the livestock production chains, including holistic methods, such as environmental and social life cycle assessment (LCA) and other modeling approaches.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
livestock; Amazon; beef; dairy; sustainable intensification; land sparing; agricultural by-products; whisky production; cattle; beef; livestock feed; renewable energy; greenhouse gas emissions; social life cycle assessment; social impact assessment methods; social sustainability; eggs; Canada; cattle health; climate change; livestock modelling; GLEAM; sustainable intensification; LMDI; provincial contribution; emission reduction; decomposition; driving factor; anaerobic digestion; livestock manure; digestate; ammonia recovery; fouling issue; amino acids; compound pig feed formulation; consequential life cycle assessment; cLCA; land-use changes (LUC); monetized environmental impact; protein crops; starch (energy) crops; beef supply chain; beef cattle; sustainability assessment; land use change; greenhouse gases emissions; Canada; eggs; sustainability; animal welfare; economics; supply management; cow; greenhouse gas; methane; rumen; silage; life cycle assessment; global warming potential; acidification potential; eutrophication potential; cradle to farm gate; indoor; outdoor; arginine; broiler; crude protein; lysine; nitrogen; resource efficiency; MRSA; ESBL-E; pigs; transmission; antibiotic resistance; one health; livestock care management; rotational/continuous grazing; technical advice; stocking rate; functional units; n/a