
Systematics and Phylogeny of Weevils

Volume 2

Edited by
April 2019
458 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-668-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-669-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Systematics and Phylogeny of Weevils that was published in

This Reprint is part of the book set Systematics and Phylogeny of Weevils.

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

This Special Issue on the Systematics and Phylogeny of Weevils presents 31 new research papers on one of the most diverse and successful groups of animals on Earth, the beetle superfamily Curculionoidea. It was in part inspired to commemorate the extraordinary life and scientific achievements of Guillermo (“Willy”) Kuschel (1918–2017), who shaped this field of science over the last century like no other weevil systematist. The papers in this memorial issue span weevil faunas from all over the globe, including South and Central America, Africa, Europe and the Near East, South-East Asia, New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. They include major advances on the phylogeny and classification of the “broad-nosed” weevils (Entiminae), on the weevils associated with American cycads and on the unique extinct weevil fauna preserved in the 100-million-year-old Burmese amber, when weevils started to diversify alongside the oldest angiosperm plants. They comprise a tribute to Willy Kuschel, the proceedings of a weevil symposium held in his honor in 2016 in Orlando, Florida, 24 systematic studies (including seven phylogenetic analyses) and five other contributions on the diversity, biology, distribution, evolution and fossil history of weevils. In the papers collated in this volume, 30 new genera and 92 new species of weevils are described and a new family of extinct weevils is recognized.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
constraint analysis; AU test; SH test; KH test; mitochondrial genomes; Curculionoidea; Curculionidae; Cossoninae; Rhyncolini; Rhyncolina; taxonomy; new species; mature larva; morphology; host plant; Cape Verde; biogeography; microclimate; species competition; taxonomy; South Africa; Namibia; weevils; new taxa; spermatheca; Mimaulus; Spartecerus; spatio-temporal diffusion; specialist weevils; parasitic plants; co-dispersal through space and time; stable populations; Coleoptera; Curculionidae; Curculioninae; Acentrusini; phylogeny; Coleoptera; Curculionidae; Brachycerinae; Tanysphyrini; Afroryzophilus; new species; Afrotropical region; Belidae; Oxycoryninae; Erotylidae; Pharaxonothinae; cycad pollination; Alien; invasive; exotic; biodiversity; Patagonia; Pinus radiata; Eucalyptus; taxonomy; weevil; new species; Araucariaceae; Hoop Pine; Klinki Pine; Australia; Papuan region; Neotropical region; broad-nosed weevils; Naupactini; Pantomorus-Naupactus complex; phylogeny; COI; combined evidence; 1K Weevils Project; biogeography; classification; Curculionidae; Curculionoidea; fossils; Guillermo Kuschel; morphology; molecular phylogenetics; DNA barcoding; phylogeny; phytophagy; weevils; Dichotrachelini; systematics; morphology; evolution; mt-Cox1; Cryptoplini; taxonomy; weevils; tectal aedeagus; Kuschelorhynchus; Macadamia; Syzygium; Australia; New Guinea; Curculionidae; biological control; target host; non-target host; taxonomy; phylogeny; Sclerocardius; Sclerocardiini; taxonomy; systematics; elytro-tergal stridulation; taxonomy; identification; diagnostics; pollination; flightlessness; Curculionoidea; weevil; hygrophilous; aquatic; semi-aquatic; riparian; key; Israel; Curculionidae; Anchonini; Molytinae; Aethiopacorep africanus; neotype; Titilayo; Titilayo barclayi; Titilayo garnerae; Titilayo geiseri; Titilayo takanoi; Titilayo perrinae; Titilayo saotomense; Titilayo turneri; taxonomy; distribution; taxonomy; weevil; new species; Australia; Papuan region; Araceae; biodiversity; ecology; faunal inventories; mimicry; phenology; Brachycerinae; Tanysphyrini; Afroryzophilus; new species; Afrotropical region; Cossoninae; Rhyncolini; Rhyncolina; taxonomy; new species; Aciphylla; Chatham Islands; integrative taxonomy; Poor Knights Islands; weevils; Urodontinae; Urodontidius; genitalia; larva; life history; galling habit; silk production; taxonomy; South Africa; Namibia; weevils; new taxa; Broad-nosed weevils; Entiminae; tribal relationships; combined evidence; ribosomal markers; structural alignment; mitochondrial COI; adults; larvae; biography; obituary; weevils; systematics; publications; Borneo; tropical forest canopies; fogging; diversity; forest disturbance; weevil fauna; longhorned beetle (Cerambycidae); new species; Curculionoidea; Mesophyletidae; Cretaceous; taxonomy; morphology; CT scanning; amber preparation; angiosperm associations; weevil larvae; palm weevils; invasive species; comparative morphology; homonym; taxonomy; Curculionoidea; Mesophyletidae; Cretaceous

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