
Visible Light Communication and Positioning

Edited by
November 2019
144 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-435-8 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-436-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Visible Light Communication and Positioning that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics

In recent years, wireless communications have significantly evolved due to the advanced technology of smartphones;, portable devices; and the rapid growth of Internet of Things, e-Health, and intelligent transportation systems . Moreover, there is anare increasing need fors of emerging intelligent services like positioning and sensing in athe future intelligence society. Recent years have witnessed the growing research interests and activities in the communication and intelligencet services in the optical wireless spectrum, as a complementary technology to more  established radio frequency (RF)-based systems, to overcome the spectrum sparsity  and increases data rates in crowded locations, due to the limited transmission range and interference. The OWC technology offers advantages such as free license, wide bandwidth, inherent security, no RF electromagnetic interference, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. The attractive applications of the optical spectrum include ultra-violet tactic communication, blue/green underwater communication, visible light positioning, and vehicular communication/sensing in intelligent transportation systems. The present Iissue, as named "Visible Light Communication and Positioning", focuses on visible light communication and visible light positioning, where four papers are on visible light communication and three papers are on visible light positioning. For visible light communication, the published works focus on the devices, the physical-layer techniques, and the system work aspects. Besides VLC, visible light positioning works include fingerprint-based indoor positioning system for multiple reflections, the impact of LED tilt on visible light positioning accuracy, and a mobile optoelectronic tracking system based on feedforward control.

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