
There is a Crack in Everything—Education and Religion in a Secular Age

Edited by
November 2019
266 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-277-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-278-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue There is a Crack in Everything—Education and Religion in a Secular Age that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

There are two constants in academic and theological discourse throughout history, they are the debate around secularization and the dialogue concerning the intersection of religion and education. Each age has had its debate about modernizing forces that drive concerns of impending secularization. In this publication this theme is approached from perspectives of teachers, of students, of policy makers and situated in a politico-historical context. Aware of the fact that in today’s plural societies one sacred canopy is non-existent anymore, cracks of the sacred canopy/canopies are described, as well as ‘the light that gets in’, the possible and challenging ways out are roughly sketched.

We expect that each of the contributions of scholars of the East and the West, of the North and the South, and their presented examples and case studies, will stimulate the ongoing exploration and elaboration on the relationship between education and religion in todays’ and the coming world – work-in-progress for coming generations.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY license
religious education; secularization; pluralism; non-confessional; classroom observation; ethnography; Christian; university; radicalization; post-secular; secular; religion education; secularity; secularism; religion in public life; representation of religion; Bible; Qur’an; Ubuntu; orthodoxy; orthokardia; orthopraxis; Weltanschauung; inter-worldview education; Europe; tolerance; inequality; power; state Jewish religious education; state Jewish secular education; state Arab Moslem education; state Christian education; state Druze education; religious and heritage education; citizenship education; religious minorities; secularism; Muslim; youth; immigration; social boundaries; identification; college; Québec; inclusion; worldview education; universal design for learning; learning in the presence of the other; reflexive inclusion; secularization; rationality; medicine; theology; symbiotic relevance; school identity; secularization; secondary education; teachers; worldviews; morality; spirituality; religion; religious education; life-as; subjective-life; secularism; religious education; values education; strong religious schools; Dutch Bible Belt; citizenship education; religious education; liberal society; secularization; symbolic language; philosophy of life; religious sources of meaning; metaphoric sensitivity; inventive imagination; role playing/bibliodrama; identity construction; life orientation; bibliodrama; narratives; interreligious encounters; education; image of imams; secularization; plurality; spiritual religiosity; popular religiosity; radicalization; n/a; n/a

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