
Polar Microbiology: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

Edited by
March 2016
466 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-175-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-176-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Polar Microbiology: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
  • Hardback
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phototrophic bacteria; cyanobacteria; aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; proteorhodopsin; Antarctic sea ice; permafrost; ancient; Neogene; sediment; Siberia; microorganisms; Arthrobacter; Glaciimonas; Subtercola; protein denaturation; protein stability; circular dichroism spectroscopy; psychrophilic proteins; chemical signals; cyanobacteria; benthic communities; microbial mat; environmental change; Antarctic lake; α/b hydrolase; lipolytic enzymes; metagenomics; p-nitrophenyl-ester; cold-adaptation; glacial ice; microbes; bacteria; fungi; Greenland; Antarctica; metagenomic; metatranscriptomic; cultures; Arctic; microbial ecology; biogeochemical cycling; snow; Antarctica; micro-eukaryotes; hypoliths; climate change; arctic soils; freeze-thaw; phylogenetic composition; fatty acids; bacteria; chaos theory; seasonal lake ice; Miquelon Lake; bacterial diversity; eukaryotic diversity; seasonal dynamics; winter-over dynamics; competition; Arctic; Antarctic; bacteria; fungi; biogeochemistry; biodegradation; soil; microbial communities; sea ice; bacteria; extracellular polymeric substances; halophiles; Lake Vostok; subglacial lake; metagenomic; metatranscriptomic; marine; aquatic; Antarctica; endolithic microorganisms; snow; cold limit; Mars; psychrophiles; cold-adapted enzymes; microcalorimetry; folding; Extremozymes; psychrozymes; cold-active protease; metagenomics; site directed mutagenesis; x-ray crystallography; black meristematic fungi; Dothideomycetes; Eurotiomycetes; lichen-associated fungi; phylogeny; Antarctica; fungal community; volcano; Mt. Erebus; Antarctica; basal ice; subzero metabolism; microbial survival; deep-sea; bacteria; archaea; nutrient; community structure; pressure; incubation; DGGE; polar microalgae; physiology; genomics; proteomics; biogeochemistry; sea ice; oceanography; adaptation; evolution; environment; n/a; Antarctica; fungi; Dry Valleys; soil; biogeography; microbial ecology