
Iron as Therapeutic Targets in Human Diseases Volume 1

Edited by
February 2020
472 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-082-7 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-083-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Iron as Therapeutic Targets in Human Diseases that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology
Iron is an essential element for almost all organisms, a cofactor playing a crucial role in a number of vital functions, including oxygen transport, DNA synthesis, and respiration. However, its ability to exchange electrons renders excess iron potentially toxic, since it is capable of catalyzing the formation of highly poisonous free radicals. As a consequence, iron homeostasis is tightly controlled by sophisticated mechanisms that have been partially elucidated. Because of its biological importance, numerous disorders have been recently linked to the deregulation of iron homeostasis, which include not only the typical disorders of iron overload and deficiency but also cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. This leads iron metabolism to become an interesting therapeutic target for novel pharmacological treatments against these diseases. Several therapies are currently under development for hematological disorders, while other are being considered for different pathologies. The therapeutic targeting under study includes the hepcidin/ferroportin axis for the regulation of systemic iron homeostasis, complex cytosolic machineries for the regulation of the intracellular iron status and its association with oxidative damage, and reagents exploiting proteins of iron metabolism such as ferritin and transferrin receptor. A promising potential target is a recently described form of programmed cell death named ferroptosis, in which the role of iron is essential but not completely clarified. This Special Issue has the aim to summarize the state-of-the-art, and the latest findings published in the iron field, as well as to elucidate future directions.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
cinnamic acid derivatives; soybean seed ferritin; iron release; binding ability; Fe2+-chelating activity; reducibility; adverse event profile; anaemia; bioengineering; labile iron; intravenous iron; iron-carbohydrate complex; iron processing; iron metabolism; infection; innate immunity; hepcidin; ferritin; anemia of inflammation; pharmaceutical targets; iron deficiency anemia; nutrient iron; oral iron therapy; FeSO4; NaFeEDTA; non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI); developing countries; Indonesia; neurodegeneration; mitochondria; therapy; heme; haem; Iron-sulfur; Friedreich Ataxia; Oxidative stress; Iron chelators; iron deficiency; anemia; cancer; hepcidin; patient blood management; malaria; iron deficiency; hepcidin; TNF; children; Africa; Anemia; iron deficiency; oral iron salts; intravenous iron; Sucrosomial® iron; M cells; bioavailability; tolerability; efficacy; iron; gut microbiota; iron supplementation; iron transporters; mucosal immunity; SCFA; intestinal inflammation; inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); colorectal cancer; oxidative stress; anaemia; cardiovascular disease; chronic kidney disease; IV iron therapy; bone homeostasis; iron overload; iron deficiency; osteoclast; osteoblast; osteoporosis; neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation; iron chelation therapy; multifunctional iron chelators; fluorescent iron chelator; 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone; fluorophore; rhodamine; membrane interactions; bacteria; antibacterial activity; histidine; iron; anemia; oxidative stress; kidney; chelation; iron; retina; age-related macular degeneration (AMD); iron; lipid; obesity; cancer; neurodegeneration; iron chelation; phlebotomy; NCOA4; ferritinophagy; iron homeostasis; erythropoiesis; ferroptosis; cancer; Tfr2; iron metabolism; hepcidin; erythropoiesis; SNC; ferritin; iron mobilization; chaotropes; flavin nucleotide; electron transfer; kinetics; ferritin; iron; iron delivery; nanotechnology; nanocage; drug delivery; inflammation; serum biomarker; iron metabolism; hepcidin; ferroportin; hemochromatosis; anemia; hepcidin; iron deficiency anemia; iron dextran; neonatal period; pig; supplementation; Alzheimer’s disease; neuroinflammation; neurodegeneration; cytokines; neuroimmune responses; iron; genetic hemochromatosis; non transferrin bound iron; hepcidin; ferroportin; venesections; Anemia of chronic disease; anemia of inflammation; hepcidin; anti-hepcidin therapy; iron supplementation; macrophage; central nurse macrophage; red pulp macrophage; Kupffer cell; iron metabolism; erythropoiesis; erythroblastic islands; erythrophagocytosis; inflammation; iron homeostasis; lung diseases; oxygen sensing; hypoxia; ferritin; hereditary hyperferritinemia; hereditary hypoferritinemia; iron metabolism; cataracts syndrome; neurodegenerative disease; n/a; iron; neurodegeneration; NBIA; hepcidin; iron; lung; acute lung injury; COPD; lung infection; cystic fibrosis; iron; anaemia; infection; malaria; immunity; brain development; growth; microbiome; hepcidin; ferritin; iron supplementation; infants; children; low and middle income countries; liver; iron; hepcidin; Mek/Erk; Hfe; Bmp/Smad; iron; mycobacteria; immunity; Alzheimer’s disease; iron homeostasis; ferroptosis; senescence; chelators; macrophages; iron; metabolism; inflammation; iron; ferritin; acute kidney injury; chronic kidney disease; vascular calcification; iron; hepcidin; ferroportin; Interleukin-6; infection; rheumatoid arthritis; iron homeostasis; iron absorption; non-haem iron; flavonoids; developmental; iron deficiency anemia; neonatal; transferrin receptor; treatment; hemochromatosis; HFE; natural history; T lymphocytes; MHC; CD8+ T cells; prevention; iron homeostasis; hepcidin; protein binding; peritoneal dialysis; iron; hepcidin; iron regulatory proteins; cardiomyocyte; chronic heart failure; pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells; pulmonary arterial hypertension; iron; brain; neurophysiology; cognition; social behavior; didox; iron chelators; antitumor compound; iron metabolism; RRM2; SLC40A1; ferroportin; iron overload; non-HFE; ferritin; hemochromatosis; iron; chelation; neurodegenerative diseases; pituitary; brain; hemopexin; heme homeostasis; iron homeostasis; hemolysis; haptoglobin; ferroptosis; inflammation; biomarker; heme oxygenase; liver; microbiome; trauma; hemorrhage; iron metabolism; hepcidin; iron homeostasis; ferroportin; n/a

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