
Foods of Plant Origin

Edited by
April 2020
204 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-566-2 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-567-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Foods of Plant Origin that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Public Health & Healthcare
It is now well accepted that the consumption of plant-based foods is beneficial to human health. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and derived products can be excellent sources of minerals, vitamins, and fiber and usually have a favorable nutrient-to-energy ratio. Furthermore, plant foods are also a rich source of phytochemicals such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and betalains, with potential health benefits for humans. Many epidemiological studies have made a direct link between the consumption of plant foods and health. Human intervention studies have also shown that higher intake/consumption of plant foods can reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome and other chronic diseases, especially in at-risk populations such as obese people. In addition to its health benefits, plant foods are also used as functional ingredients in food applications such as antioxidants, antimicrobials, and natural colorants. The Special Issue “Foods of Plant Origin” covers biodiscovery, functionality, the effect of different cooking/preparation methods on bioactive (plant food) ingredients, and strategies to improve the nutritional quality of plant foods by adding other food components using novel/alternative food sources or applying non-conventional preparation techniques.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
functional properties; orange fleshed sweet potato; vitamin A; porridge; skimmed milk; durian; esters; thioacetals; thioesters; volatile compounds; polyphenols; propionate; ‘Ma’afala’; Artocarpus altilis; gluten-free pasta; underutilized crop; value-added product; indigenous crop cultivar; Cassava; gari; retention; beta-carotene; vitamin A intake; Brassica; stir-frying; steaming; boiling; HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS; UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS; sulforaphane; iberin; Kakadu plum; Terminalia ferdinandiana; antioxidants; antimicrobial activity; food preservation; phytochemicals; polyphenols; Australian grown garlic; Allium sativum L.; polyphenols; organosulfur compounds; antioxidant capacity; antimicrobial activity; photo technology; shelf life; Capsicum annuum L.; postharvest quality; bioactive compounds; antioxidant activity; folate; tropical fruits; subtropical fruits; vegetables; indigenous food; stable isotope dilution assay; LC-MS/MS; Acca sellowiana; feijoa fruit; proximate composition; polyphenols; vitamins; minerals; antimicrobial activity; Chenopodium quinoa; bakery products; DRIs/DRVs (Dietary Reference Intakes/Dietary Reference Values) and AI (Adequate Intake); FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization); EFSA (European Food Safety Authority); protein quality; polyunsaturated fatty acids; dietary fibre; mineral availability; glycaemic index estimation; Solanum tuberosum L.; starch; digestibility; freeze-drying; microwave vacuum drying; conductive hydro-drying; instant controlled pressure drop; processing; Brassica vegetables; bioactive compounds; postharvest processing; kaempferol; sinigrin; plant food; composition; nutrients; vitamins; phytochemicals; fibre; processing; preservation; functional properties; health

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