
Novel Methods and Applications for Mineral Exploration

Edited by
May 2020
264 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-943-1 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-944-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Novel Methods and Applications for Mineral Exploration that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
This special volume offers a snapshot of the latest developments in mineral exploration, in particular, geophysical, geochemical, and computational methods. It reflects the cutting-edge applications of geophysics and geochemistry, as well as novel technologies, such as in artificial intelligence and hyperspectral exploration, methods that have profoundly changed how exploration is conducted. This special volume is a representation of these cutting-edge and pioneering methods to consider and conduct exploration, and should serve both as a valuable compendium of the most innovative exploration methodologies available and as a foreshadowing of the form of future exploration. As such, this volume is of significant importance and would be useful to any exploration geologist and company
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
one-class support vector machine; bat algorithm; mineral prospectivity mapping; receiver operating characteristic; area under the curve; Youden index; MT; gravity; elastic-net regularization; cross-gradients constraints; joint inversion; LCT; pegmatite; lithium; exploration; targeting; gravity gradiometry; magnetotelluric; model-space; data-space; joint inversion; mineral resource classification; JORC code; limestone deposit; project pursuit multivariate transform; (co)-simulation; laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; LIBS; geochemical exploration; geochemical fingerprinting; micro-imaging; grain size analysis; mineral texture; CSAMT; dual-frequency IP; mineral exploration; Vosges; Variscan orogeny; Natzwiller; Kagenfels; granite; lithium; tungsten; niobium; exploration targeting; stream sediments; QEMSCAN®; Jinchuan Cu–Ni sulfide deposit; deep mineral exploration; CSAMT; inversion; 3D mineral prospectivity modeling; spatial analysis; GA-SVR; epithermal gold deposits; Axi deposit;