
Molecular Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology of Crop Plants Breeding

Edited by
May 2020
238 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-877-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-878-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Molecular Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology of Crop Plants Breeding that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
This Special Issue on molecular genetics, genomics, and biotechnology in crop plant breeding seeks to encourage the use of the tools currently available. It features nine research papers that address quality traits, grain yield, and mutations by exploring cytoplasmic male sterility, the delicate control of flowering in rice, the removal of anti-nutritional factors, the use and development of new technologies for non-model species marker technology, site-directed mutagenesis and GMO regulation, genomics selection and genome-wide association studies, how to cope with abiotic stress, and an exploration of fruit trees adapted to harsh environments for breeding purposes. A further four papers review the genetics of pre-harvest spouting, readiness for climate-smart crop development, genomic selection in the breeding of cereal crops, and the large numbers of mutants in straw lignin biosynthesis and deposition.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
phloem metabolites; electrospray ionisation; mass spectrometry; cultivar; quality groups; nitrogen; faba bean; zt-1; linkage map; SSR; ISSR; Brassica napus; GmDof4; GmDof11; oleic acid; fatty acid composition; differentially expressed genes; drought; RNA-seq; RNA editing; wheat; climate change; mapping populations; genetic resources; mutation breeding; genome editing; new plant breeding techniques; “omics” data; bioinformatics; rice; CRISPR/Cas9; Wx; TGW6; mutations; maintainer; cytoplasmic male sterile; amylose content; anther; protein; cytoplasmic male sterility; fertility restoration; sunflower; Rf1 gene; GWAS; Pentatricopeptide Repeats; PPR genes; association mapping; candidate genes; gene mapping; lodicule; non-open hull 1(noh1); rice; crops; quantitative genetics; estimated breeding value; genomic prediction; plant breeding; breeding scheme; pedigree; genetic value; wheat; pre-harvest sprouting; seed dormancy; abscisic acid; gibberellin; QTL/genes; brown midrib; cell wall; gold hull and internode; grass family; lignin; monolignol pathway; mutational breeding; orange lemma; transgenic cereals; SNP; SSR; next generation sequencing; genotyping by sequencing; Japanese plum; SSR; diversity; genetic structure; candidate genes; genomic selection; mutants; ddRAD sequencing; genotyping-by-sequencing; CRISPR/Cas9 site directed mutagenesis; genome-wide association scan; genetic modification; F1 hybrids; QTL

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