

Edited by
May 2020
262 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-917-2 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-918-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Organs-on-chips that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Physical Sciences
Recent advances in microsystems technology and cell culture techniques have led to the development of organ-on-chip microdevices that produce tissue-level functionality, not possible with conventional culture models, by recapitulating natural tissue architecture and microenvironmental cues within microfluidic devices.  Since the physiological microenvironments in living systems are mostly microfluidic in nature, the use of microfluidic devices facilitates engineering cellular microenvironments; the microfluidic devices allow for control of local chemical gradients and dynamic mechanical forces, which play important roles in cellular viability and function.  The organ-on-chip microdevices have great potential to promote drug discovery and development, to model human physiology and disease, and to replace animal models for efficacy and toxicity testing.  Recently, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have been leveraged to develop organs-on-chips, which enable various types of organ models and disease models not possible with primary cells and cell lines.  This Special Issue seeks to showcase research papers, short communications, and review articles that focus on: (1) microdevices to mimic or control cellular microenvironment; (2) microdevices to evaluate interactions between different organ models; (3) microdevices to maintain iPS cells or iPSC-derived cells; and (4) sensors and techniques to evaluate drug efficacy or toxicity.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
microfluidics; vascularization; organ-on-a-chip; vascularized tumor model; tissue engineering; microfluidic device; cell culture; organ-on-chips; lung epithelial cell; surfactant protein; angiogenesis; shear stress; biomechanics; vessel branching; beating force; bio-mechanical property; cardiac 3D tissue; human induced pluripotent Stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPS-CM); tissue engineering; vacuum chuck; barrier permeability; epithelial–endothelial interface; paracellular/transcellular transport; organ-on-chip; MEMS; silicon; PDMS; membranes; cell; strain; stress; lattice light-sheet microscopy; 3D cell culture system; functional neuron imaging; 3D cell culture; neuronal cells; SH-SY5Y cells; image-based screening; nanogrooves; neuronal cell networks; neuronal guidance; drug metabolism; biomimetic oxidation; microfluidics; organ-on-a-chip; liver-on-a-chip; liver-on-a-chip; drug hepatotoxicity; drug metabolism; organoid; 3D cell culture; spheroid array; high-throughput screening; drug efficacy; organ-on-a-chip (OOC); microfluidic device; mechanical cue; shear flow; compression; stretch; strain; syringe pump; integrated pump; passive delivery; organs-on-chips; microfluidics; drug absorption; fluoroelastomer; ischemia/reperfusion injury; thrombolysis; organ-on-a-chip; endothelial cell activation; microfluidics; microfabrication; organ-on-a-chip; trans-epithelial electrical resistance; multi-culture; n/a