
Sustainable Value Management–New Concepts and Contemporary Trends

Edited by
August 2020
460 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03936-553-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03936-554-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Sustainable Value Management–New Concepts and Contemporary Trends that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Sustainable value management reveals a new space for studying business models. The traditional approach is based on the assumption that the goal of any business is to make money. All decisions regarding supply and production should be made to maximize profit. The discrepancy in creating non-economic value is sometimes the result of separating ownership from control over an enterprise. Although shareholders are interested in maximizing profit, management that actually makes decisions can also pursue other goals. In addition to economic aspects, the management intentions of modern managers are also influenced by factors arising from the organizational culture built, co-created within the organization and sometimes with the participation of external actors such as suppliers and customers. The sources of the creation of social values will be the management intentions of top management, often initiated by the adopted values and rules on the basis of which resources are bound within the structure of the business model. The value of sustainability is based on the identification of those creative sources that relate to economic and social value. Economic value is created through social value and vice versa. This allows the complementarity of the value created to be mutually supportive. The business model that integrates both of these values should be more resistant to crises than the one that is oriented only toward producing economic value. Concurrent implementation of economic and social goals increases resilience and affects the success of modern business models. This is due to the specificity of the business ecosystem that is built as part of the business model, which, in essence, is based on the use of social factors to merge the business model into a complex ecosystem capable of producing value.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
traditional industries; emerging industries; resource integration; resource reconfiguration; sustainable competitive advantages; concerto effect; value creation; value-based management; financial security of going concern; sustainable management; trust; social aspects; business model; water supply industry; socioeconomic inequalities; convergence; local finance; public sector; rural development; sustainable development; responsible innovation; sustainable innovation; bibliometrics; research profiling; sustainability management; creating value; synthesis; review; regression of citation count; 2030 agenda; 17 objectives; Baltic Sea Region; individual transaction sustainability value; ODS ONU; negative externalities; indicators sustainability; company acquisitions in Poland; personal relations; model of post-transaction integration; risk analysis; risk assessment; THR; railway; transport management; traffic safety; banking; sustainability; banking activities; performance; business model; people-oriented management; non-people-oriented management; active participation; passive participation; employee engagement; local government; sustainable development in counties in Poland; sustainable development model; NTS-4; creative economy; creative industries; sustainability; sustainable tourism; natural souvenirs; demarketing; sustainable value; sustainability; environment; CSR; stakeholders; structured literature review; communes; excessive indebtedness; financial risk; Poland; discriminant analysis; Industry 4.0; customization; smart factory; expectations of modern consumers; customer and producer challenges; capital investments; firm performance; profitability; sustainability; panel data; socially responsible investing (SRI), sustainable; responsible and impact (SRI) investing; DCC; GARCH; risk diversification; timing; public policy; policy making; Polish public health policy; corporate finance; creating value; valuation of the company; management; financial market; sustainable agriculture; efficiency; smart decision; agricultural production; economic model; driving smoothness; train neural emulator; neural networks

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