
Remote Sensing of Flow Velocity, Channel Bathymetry, and River Discharge

Edited by
September 2020
286 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03936-900-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03936-901-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Flow Velocity, Channel Bathymetry, and River Discharge that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
River discharge is a fundamental hydrologic quantity that summarizes how a watershed transforms the input of precipitation into output as channelized streamflow. Accurate discharge measurements are critical for a range of applications including water supply, navigation, recreation, management of in-stream habitat, and the prediction and monitoring of floods and droughts. However, the traditional stream gage networks that provide such data are sparse and declining. Remote sensing represents an appealing alternative for obtaining streamflow information. Potential advantages include greater efficiency, expanded coverage, increased measurement frequency, lower cost and reduced risk to field personnel. In addition, remote sensing provides opportunities to examine long river segments with continuous coverage and high spatial resolution. To realize these benefits, research must focus on the remote measurement of flow velocity, channel geometry and their product: river discharge. This Special Issue fostered the development of novel methods for retrieving discharge and its components, and thus stimulated progress toward an operational capacity for streamflow monitoring. The papers herein address all aspects of the remote measurement of streamflow—estimation of flow velocity, bathymetry (water depth), and discharge—from various types of remotely sensed data acquired from a range of platforms: manned and unmanned aircraft, satellites, and ground-based non-contact sensors.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
estuary; morphology; rapid assessment; bathymetry; flow velocity; salinity; tool; remotely-sensed imagery; small unmanned aerial system (sUAS); river flow; thermal infrared imagery; particle image velocimetry; lidar bathymetry; fluvial; geomorphology; change detection; remotely piloted aircraft system; refraction correction; structure-from-motion photogrammetry; water surface elevation; topographic error; machine learning; UAV LiDAR; airborne laser bathymetry; full waveform processing; performance assessment; high resolution hydro-mapping; remote sensing; rivers; discharge; hydrology; modelling; geomorphology; ungauged basins; flow velocity; Alaska; river; remote sensing; particle image velocimetry; PIV; large-scale particle image velocimetry; LSPIV; surface velocity; river discharge; Doppler radar; pulsed radar; probability concept; water temperature; salmonids; Pend Oreille River; thermal infrared (TIR); acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP); channel bathymetry; flow velocity; cold-water refuge; dam; remote sensing; flooding; high-water marks (HWMs); small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS); drone; photogrammetry; hydraulic modeling; aerial photography; surveying; hydrology; inundation; Landsat; rivers; streamflow; discharge; flow frequency; satellite revisit time; flow regime; remote sensing; rivers; discharge; flow velocity; bathymetry; hydrology; geomorphology

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