
Advances in Large Scale Flood Monitoring and Detection

Edited by
November 2020
198 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-525-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-526-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Large Scale Flood Monitoring and Detection that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
Climate change and land use transformations have induced an increased flood risk worldwide. These phenomena are dramatically impacting ordinary life and the economy. Research and technology offer a new strategy to quantify and predict such phenomena and also mitigate the impact of flooding. In particular, the growing computational power is offering new strategies for a more detailed description of the flooding over large scales. This book offers an overview of the most recent outcomes of the research on this argument.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY license
climate change; flood hazards; high-resolution AGCM; inundation analysis; Lower Mekong river basin; data assimilation; ensemble Kalman filter; flood inundation maps; National Water Model (NWM); countermeasures; flood impacts; Metro Colombo canal system; Colombo city, Sri Lanka; urban floods; near real-time; Mekong Basin; hydro-economic; socioeconomic; damage assessment; hydroinformatics; EU Floods Directive; flood risk management; extreme rainfall; SCS-CN; 2D hydraulic modelling; HEC-RAS; building representation; urban floods; ungauged streams; uncertainty; climate change; IDF curves; Bayesian analysis; Non-Stationary process; open-access remotely sensed data; flood mapping and modelling; altimetry; synthetic aperture radar; optical satellite; Digital Elevation Model (DEM); and transboundary floods; flood; remote sensing; data integration; RST-FLOOD; MODIS; VIIRS; optical data; hydroinformatics; flood mapping; flood monitoring; floodplains; rivers dynamics; DEM-based methods; geomorphology; data scarce environments; DTM; terrain analysis; hydraulic geometry; large scale; 2D hydraulic modeling; scaling in hydrology

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