
Fire Regimes: Spatial and Temporal Variability and Their Effects on Forests

Edited by
May 2017
432 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-390-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-391-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fire Regimes: Spatial and Temporal Variability and Their Effects on Forests that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2017 MDPI; under CC BY-NC-ND license
stand characteristics; fire susceptibility; forest types; canonical component analyses; mixed conifer forest; arid forest; fire ecology; fire management; refugia; climate change; vulnerability; interior Douglas-fir forest; Douglas-fir beetle; western spruce budworm; disturbance; forest health; mixed-severity fire; Pinus banksiana; burn severity; composite burn index; revegetation; forest regeneration; lichen; boreal forest; fire; succession; black spruce; resilience; vulnerability; landscape; planning; financial risk; fire; timber supply; sustainable forest management; wildfires; drought index; larch stands; fire return interval; fire frequency; burned area; climate-induced trends in Siberian wildfires; range; semi-variogram; fuel deposition; decomposition; fuel component; vegetation development; accuracy; boreal forest; coverage; Cox regression; dendrochronology; exponential; fire cycle; precision; survival analyses; time since fire; Weibull; forest ecology; fire cycle; multi-scale models; survival analysis; physiographic drivers; boreal forest; Canada; fire selectivity; MODIS; wildfires; wildfire; emissions; satellite; China; burned area; inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point patterns; Ripley’s K-function; spatio-temporal point patterns; wildfires; historic natural wildfire; multinomial logistic model; ecosystem-based management; anthropogenic fire regimes; humans; red pine; ignition; drought; fire disturbance; Pinus sylvestris; recovery; soil respiration; boreal forest; forest fires; Holocene; pollen analysis; sedimentary charcoal; Québec; vegetation history; fire history reconstruction; fire cycle; fire risk; black spruce–moss forests; lichen woodlands; boreal ecosystems; fire weather; survival analyses; fire history; boreal mixedwood; Pinus banksiana; dendrochronology; fire scars; lake sediment charcoal; First Nations; European settlement; fire exclusion; paleoecology; Pennsylvania; dendrochronology; fire scars; fire severity; humans; fire refuges; fire modeling; fire susceptibility; FlamMap3; fuel moisture; fire density; fire ecology; fire management; fire seasonality; fourth-corner; RLQ; pyrogeography; boreal forest; firebreaks; fire frequency; fire refugia; lake shadows; landscape patterns; Saskatchewan; spatial scale; wildfire; boreal forest; fuel load dynamics; fire behavior; carbon emission modelling; sustainable management; mitigation management

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