
Design and Application of Biomedical Circuits and Systems

Edited by
March 2021
194 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0238-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0239-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Design and Application of Biomedical Circuits and Systems that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
This Special Issue is a collection of twelve papers on the design and application of biomedical circuits and systems. We hope you enjoy reading this Special Issue and become inspired to address technological challenges toward helping the medical industry and biologists to increase the quality of life for humans, which is the main objective. Several topics have been highlighted: muscle electrostimulation, analog front-end (AFE) circuits, waveform generators, real-time velocimetry estimators, interference suppression, bio-signal encryption, IoT electronic nose, ultrasound image processing, noise in medical imaging, elbow actuators, and aids for visually impaired people. We are conscious about the very wide scope of biomedical circuits and systems applications, and that our contribution represents only a grain of sand, though we expect to be useful in contributing to the progress of knowledge in the field.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
elbow soft exoskeleton; dual motor-tendon actuator; PI control; flexion/extension; pronation/supination; electronic travel aids; radar; electromagnetic; visual impairment; blind people; microwaves; mobility; antennas; infrared and thermal image analysis; incremental low rank noise reduction; incremental singular value decomposition; segmentation; monitoring of body temperature; particle filter tracking; phase aberration; receive beamforming; spatial resolution; sound speed estimation; Breath analysis; electronic nose (E-nose); Internet-of-Things (IoT); RSA; bio-signal; TRNG; data encryption; IoT; wireless communication; interference suppression; non-contact electrode; impedance mismatch; driven-right-leg; electrocardiogram; bioelectric acquisition; doppler velocimetry; doppler spectrum; FPGA; centroid estimation; neuromodulation; multi-channel; stimulation protocol; FPGA; analog front-end (AFE); electrooculogram (EOG); electrooculography; interference; noise; signal acquisition; electrode array; functional electrical stimulation; rehabilitation; DC offset current; electrode stimulation; biphasic signal; platinum electrode matrix; n/a