
Latest Advances in Electrothermal Models

Edited by
March 2021
140 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0334-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0335-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Latest Advances in Electrothermal Models that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences
This book is devoted to the latest advances in the area of electrothermal modelling of electronic components and networks. It contains eight sections by different teams of authors. These sections contain the results of: (a) electro-thermal simulations of SiC power MOSFETs using a SPICE-like simulation program; (b) modelling thermal properties of inductors taking into account the influence of the core volume on the efficiency of heat removal; (c) investigations into the problem of inserting a temperature sensor in the neighbourhood of a chip to monitor its junction temperature; (d) computations of the internal temperature of power LEDs situated in modules containing multiple-power LEDs, taking into account both self-heating in each power LED and mutual thermal couplings between each diode; (e) analyses of DC-DC converters using the electrothermal averaged model of the diode–transistor switch, including an IGBT and a rapid-switching diode; (f) electrothermal modelling of SiC power BJTs; (g) analysis of the efficiency of selected algorithms used for solving heat transfer problems at nanoscale; (h) analysis related to thermal simulation of the test structure dedicated to heat-diffusion investigation at the nanoscale.

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