
Advances in Autism Research

Edited by
June 2021
434 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0202-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0203-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Autism Research that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Computer Science & Mathematics
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
This book represents one of the most up-to-date collections of articles on clinical practice and research in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The scholars who contributed to this book are experts in their field, carrying out cutting edge research in prestigious institutes worldwide (e.g., Harvard Medical School, University of California, MIND Institute, King’s College, Karolinska Institute, and many others). The book addressed many topics, including (1) The COVID-19 pandemic; (2) Epidemiology and prevalence; (3) Screening and early behavioral markers; (4) Diagnostic and phenotypic profile; (5) Treatment and intervention; (6) Etiopathogenesis (biomarkers, biology, and genetic, epigenetic, and risk factors); (7) Comorbidity; (8) Adulthood; and (9) Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP). This book testifies to the complexity of performing research in the field of ASD. The published contributions underline areas of progress and ongoing challenges in which more certain data is expected in the coming years. It would be desirable that experts, clinicians, researchers, and trainees could have the opportunity to read this updated text describing the challenging heterogeneity of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
autism spectrum disorder; infants; frontal EEG alpha asymmetry; early detection; autism spectrum disorders; toddlers; eye tracking; joint attention; longitudinal; autism spectrum disorder; regression; cytokines; PAI-1; neuroinflammation; gastrointestinal; autism spectrum disorder; autism; literature review; comorbidity; early intervention; early intensive behavioral intervention; behavioral intervention; First Year Inventory; autism spectrum disorders; early screening; risk; cross-cultural generalisability; validity; preschool teachers; self-efficacy; knowledge; belief; skills; identify; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); autism; level 1 and level 2 screening tools; systematic review; COSMIN; PRISMA; autism spectrum disorder; screening; early detection; autism; infection; prion; meta-analysis; motion analysis; video signal processing; neurodevelopmental disorders; infant screening; n/a; autism spectrum disorder; developmental language disorder; semantic features; word learning; central coherence; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); biomarker; p-cresol; mouse social behavior; dopamine; autism spectrum disorder; ASD; vision; proprioception; self-motion; immersive virtual reality; IVR; HMD; technology; persuasive text writing; perspective-taking; autism spectrum disorder; adolescence; intervention; autism spectrum disorder; sign language; imitation; cognition; language acquisition; prevalence estimate; autism; predictors; surveillance review; Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); early intensive intervention; developmental trajectories; moderators and mediators of intervention.; autism spectrum disorder; psychosis; schizophrenia; psychopathology; AQ; screening; accuracy; attention to detail; self-awareness; insight; autism; preconception risk factor; autism spectrum disorder; Gilles de la Tourette; obsession; compulsion; social behavior; social impairment; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); sensory profile; sensory responsiveness; feeding problems; short sensory profile (SSP); sensory experience questionnaire (SEQ); coronavirus; 2019-nCoV; neurodevelopment; child and adolescent psychiatry; mental health prevention; Asperger syndrome; autism spectrum disorder; adults; cerebrospinal fluid; antibodies; blood–brain barrier; GAD65; autism; early intervention; Early Start Denver Model; neurodevelopmental disorders; autism spectrum disorder; high-risk infants; motor development; screening; technology; high-functioning autism; language; experience; communication; autonomic nervous system; wearable technologies; EEG; autism; theory of mind; adults and adolescents; human figure drawings; Draw-a-Man; drawings maturity; autism spectrum disorders; social perception; autism spectrum disorder; EEG; ERP; reward response; RewP; sensitization; social skills intervention; PEERS®; autism spectrum disorder; adulthood; diagnosis; intervention; autistic traits; autism; action observation; action prediction; context; priors; autism spectrum disorders; hypothalamus; amygdala; oxytocin; social cognition; social interaction; affiliative behavior; neuroimaging; autism spectrum disorder; COVID-19; challenging behavior; autism; dental care; oral health; medical procedures; ICT; wearable sensors; migration; autism; diagnosis; Europe; health system; autism in adulthood; intellectual disability; regressive autism; epilepsy; challenging behaviors; empathy; executive functions; attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; autism spectrum disorder; disruptive behavior disorders; autism; alexithymia; anxiety; depression; TAS-20; TSIA; parents; broader autism phenotype; autism spectrum disorder; autistic-like features; social-cognitive development; stereotypical behaviors; visual impairment; autism spectrum disorder; language profiles; grammatical comprehension; autism spectrum disorder; cannabinoids; cannabidiol; cannabidivarin; THC; problem behaviors; sleep; epilepsy; hyperactivity; side effects; motor performance skills; autism spectrum disorder; Gulf; BOT-2; autism spectrum disorder; machine learning; employment; telehealth; ASD; ABA; behavioral intervention; RCT; autism spectrum disorder; oxytocin; cortisol; group activity; stress; art; autism spectrum disorder; neurodevelopmental disorders; assessment; sensorimotor integration; postural balance; autism spectrum disorder; false positive report probability (FPRP); Bayesian false-discovery probability (BFDP); meta-analysis; Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS); microbiome; metabolomics; autism; study design; biomarker discovery; precise medicine; autism spectrum disorder; bipolar disorder; suicidal ideation; suicidal attempts; adolescence; n/a