
News Trends in Powder Metallurgy: Microstructures, Properties, Durability

Edited by
October 2021
236 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1782-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1781-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue News Trends in Powder Metallurgy: Microstructures, Properties, Durability that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Papers published in metals in 2020 and 2021, related to the special issue "News trends in powder metallurgy: microstructures, properties, durability. a review of the scientific advances in this field have been carried out through a selection of 13 original research papers (progress reviews and articles) on the impact of the microstructure on the mechanical and functional properties of metallic alloys obtained by sintering (SPS) and additive manufacturing (PBF) routes.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
rare earth permanent magnets; anisotropic HDDR Nd2Fe14B; recycling; spark plasma sintering; texture development; hot deformation; fatigue; titanium alloy; bimodal structure; size effect; EBSD investigation; fatigue crack growth; molybdenum; grain growth; carbon diffusion; ball milling; spark plasma sintering; ODS steel; SPS joining; interface; tensile tests; titanium aluminide; spark plasma sintering; microstructure; mechanical properties; alloy development; powder metallurgy; harmonic structure; severe plastic deformation; strength-ductility; structural characteristics; heterogeneous microstructure; titanium alloy; powder metallurgy; mechanical properties; nickel; spark plasma sintering; ultrafine grained microstructure; plasticity mechanisms; deformed state; dislocation structures; Functional Graded Materials; sintering; porosity; permeability; mechanical properties; tungsten alloys; ductility; nanostructure; mechanical properties; selective laser melting; Ti6Al4V; acid etching; chemical oxidation; thermochemical treatment; surface features; SPS; metals; TiAl; microstructure; mechanical properties; shaping; stainless steel; harmonic structure; ratcheting; fatigue; fatigue-life prediction; n/a

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