
Special and Inclusive Education: Perspectives, Challenges and Prospects

Edited by
November 2021
218 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1729-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1730-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Special and Inclusive Education: Perspectives, Challenges and Prospects that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

For the past 50 years, there has been increasing consideration and debate about how to best educate learners with special educational needs and disabilities. Competing paradigms of special education and inclusive education have been developed, disseminated and discussed at length over the years. These discussions have focused the attention on effectively educating learners with different types and severities of special educational needs and disabilities, who are living in either developing and developed countries in various parts of the world.

The aim of this Special Issue of Education Sciences is to focus on the latest theory, practice and research relevant to special education and inclusive education. Articles that present new ideas, suggest future research directions or potential ways forward for educational practice are of particular interest.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
disability; special education; inclusion; inclusive education; inclusion; history; Nazi Germany; special education; schools; gifted; twice-exceptional; special education; teachers; students; inclusive education; education in India; educational equity; disability; special educational needs; Western Australia; inclusive education; disability; policy; curriculum; teacher education; parental choice; inclusive education; data-based decision making; transition planning; reading disabilities; intellectual disabilities; inclusive education; segregation; special classes; education policy; Ireland; inclusive education; in-service training; school teams; learning experience; inclusion; professional development; special education; SEN students; TALIS 20; inclusive special education; school improvement; school self-evaluation; multi-tiered systems of support; Ireland; post-primary education; at-risk; English Learners (ELs); inclusive education; refugees; SLIFE; special education; learning difficulties; behavior difficulties; inclusive education; special education; assessment; inclusion; students with disabilities; secondary education; triennial evaluations; tiers; levels; teaching disabilities; universal design for learning; inclusive education; policy; primary education; second-level education; Ireland; n/a

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