
COVID-19 Outbreak and Beyond: Psychological and Behavioral Responses and Future Perspectives

Edited by
January 2022
494 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3015-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3014-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue COVID-19 Outbreak and Beyond: Psychological and Behavioral Responses and Future Perspectives that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed our lifestyle when, on 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. Since then, many governments have introduced unprecedented containment measures, hoping to slow the spread of the virus. International research suggests that both the pandemic and the related protective measures, such as lockdown, curfews, and social distancing, are having a profound impact on the mental health of the population. Among the most commonly observed psychological effects, there are high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic symptoms, along with boredom and frustration. At the same time, the behavioral response of the population is of paramount importance to successfully contain the outbreak, creating a vicious circle in which the psychological distress impacts the willingness to comply with the protective measures, which, in turn, if prolonged, could exacerbate the population’s distress. This book includes: i) original studies on the worldwide psychological and behavioral impact of COVID-19 on targeted individuals (e.g., parents, social workers, patients affected by physical and mental disorders); ii) studies exploring the effect of COVID-19 using advanced statistical and methodological techniques (e.g., machine learning technologies); iii) research on practical applications that could help identify persons at risk, mitigate the negative effects of this situation, and offer insights to policymakers to manage the pandemic are also highly welcomed.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
risk perception; confidence; social support; coping strategy; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; older adults; depression; precautionary behavior; socioeconomic status; online survey; mental health; health anxiety; intrusive thoughts; contamination; negative affect; pandemic; psychopathology; COVID-19; psychiatric patients; mental illness; cognitive function; psychiatric symptoms; risk perception; social support; lockdown; Information and Communications Technology (ICT); COVID-19; social connectedness; future anxiety; social media; technology and society; gender differences; COVID-19; students; risk perception; anxiety; personality; COVID-19; coronavirus; lifestyle; anxiety; behavioral determinants; coronavirus; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; healthcare utilization; healthcare avoidance; public health; self-efficacy; risk-taking; social connectedness; young adult; depression; anxiety; stress; coronavirus pandemic; emotion regulation; primary emotional systems; mental and physical health; COVID-19 pandemic; quarantine; isolation; public health emergency preparedness; online survey of patients and contacts; intention-based critical factors; novel coronavirus; pandemic prevention; COVID-19; hybrid theoretical framework; path modeling; Pakistan; COVID-19 pandemic; service robot; risk perception; customer engagement; protection motivation theory; social distancing; COVID-19 preventative behaviors; perceived susceptibility; cues to action; health belief model; health education; Okara, Pakistan; occupational stress; emotional intelligence; social support; COVID-19; COVID-19; depression; pandemic; precaution measures; mental health; Saudi Arabia; institutional climate; COVID-19 preventive behaviors; extended theory of planned behavior; university students; COVID-19; pandemics; quarantine; psychological distress; longitudinal studies; COVID-19; fear; acute myocardial infarction; distress questionnaires; COVID-19; university students; mental health; psychological distress; help-seeking behavior; music listening; pandemic; coronavirus; social distance; worries; killing time; anxiety; obesity; eating disorder; obesity surgery; COVID-19; mental health; social dilemma; fear of infection; safety measures; collective behavior; pathogens; self-control; pandemic; COVID-19; mental health; emotions; optimism; satisfaction with life; coping with stress; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; behavioral change; remote work; exercise; sustained effects; government response; infection rate; risk perception; adoption of PARs; COVID-19; China; COVID-19; hospital workers; quality of life; coping strategy; insomnia; COVID-19; distance learning; psycho-emotional impact; SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; vaccinations; sentiment analysis; Twitter; anti-vax; vaccine hesitancy; Python; VADER; NLTK; sleep quality; mindfulness; distress; COVID-19 lockdown; longitudinal study; path analysis; COVID-19 epidemic; anxiety; media consumption; subjective well-being; safety-seeking behaviors; information seeking; television news use; emotional distress; COVID-19; social media news use; health information; online health information; information-seeking behavior; undergraduate students; COVID-19; COVID-19; stress; psychology; dentistry; need for structure; compensatory control; social class; COVID-19

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