
Food Labeling: Analysis, Understanding, and Perception

Edited by
May 2022
434 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1255-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1254-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Food Labeling: Analysis, Understanding, and Perception that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

This Special Issue includes original research and reviews of the literature focusing on food labels, which are a tool to promote public health that, at the same time, may represent a marketing tool and may influence consumers’ perception of food quality.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
nutritional labelling; food choices; comprehension; perception; Dutch consumers; food policies; front-of-pack nutrition label; traffic light; health star; Nutri-Score; reference intake; warning label; serving size; portion size; food labeling; nutrition facts label; back of pack; front of pack; health framing; breakfast cereals; food labelling; nutrition declaration; nutritional quality; gluten free; nutrition and health claims; salt information; salt content; salt label; sodium label; sodium information; nutritional information; nutritional labeling; salt information use; nutrition knowledge; nutrition facts; food cue reactivity; sugar; eye tracking; priming; color; nutrition facts panel; food label; consumer behavior; food decision making; food packaging; food choice; nutrition and health claims; food label; sugar; nutrition; front-of-pack labelling; health star rating; nutrition labelling; consumer perception; qualitative research; nutrition labeling; food labeling; food processing; nutrition policy; Spain; food analysis; dietary sugars; reformulation; organic food; food labeling; nutrition facts; nutritional quality; health food; nutrient content claims; health claims; food labelling; nutrient profile; health star rating; food labeling; menu labeling; nutrition declaration; food and nutrition policy; restaurant chains; reformulation; serving size; energy; obesity; quality carbohydrate; dietary fibre; whole grains; health claims; glycemic index; food labeling; latent class modeling; traditional meat product, mangalica sausage; online nutrition intervention; theory of planned behavior; nutrition labels; sugar; consumer behavior; consumer attitude; consumer perception; perceived healthiness; product attributes; healthy food; consumer perception; food packaging; consumer behavior; consumer choice; food labeling; extra virgin olive oil; hedonic price model; country of origin; energy density; health star rating; children; food supply; front-of-pack label; discretionary; food labelling; entomophagy; insect-based foods; edible insects; food sustainability; perception of food; novel food; disgust; neophobia; variety seeking; food technology neophobia; consumer studies; behavior; dietary fibre; labelling; carbohydrate quality; ICQC; consensus; food label use; front-of-package (FOP) labels; back-of-package (BOP) labels; nutrition claims; health claims; nutrition knowledge; consumer behavior; choice experiment; willingness to pay (WTP); consumers’ preferences; sustainability label; nutrition and health claim; fish species; allergen labelling; Latin America; packaged food products; supermarket circulars; ultra-processed; food label; health claims; pasta; food labelling; nutrition declaration; nutritional composition; gluten free; nutrition claims; n/a

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