
Fractional Calculus - Theory and Applications

Edited by
June 2022
198 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3262-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3263-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fractional Calculus - Theory and Applications that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences

In recent years, fractional calculus has led to tremendous progress in various areas of science and mathematics. New definitions of fractional derivatives and integrals have been uncovered, extending their classical definitions in various ways. Moreover, rigorous analysis of the functional properties of these new definitions has been an active area of research in mathematical analysis. Systems considering differential equations with fractional-order operators have been investigated thoroughly from analytical and numerical points of view, and potential applications have been proposed for use in sciences and in technology. The purpose of this Special Issue is to serve as a specialized forum for the dissemination of recent progress in the theory of fractional calculus and its potential applications.

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