
The Impact of Alcoholic Beverages on Human Health

Edited by
July 2022
242 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4101-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4102-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue The Impact of Alcoholic Beverages on Human Health that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

Alcohol is often perceived as an under-rated risk factor for human health. This book corrects these misperceptions and misinformation by providing up to date reviews and publications that consider the impact of alcoholic beverages on human health in the domains of toxicity, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, foetal toxicity, neurotoxicity, impacts of alcohol on the gastro-intestinal system (including nutrient deficiencies), cardiovascular system, injuries, body weight and communicable diseases. The reprint considers how the impact of alcohol on human health can be mitigated – through, for example, improved labelling on nutrients and health warnings, better policy measures, and actions by alcohol producers on their products through reformulation to lower alcoholic strength.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
alcoholism; evolution; fermentation; frugivory; Homo; primate; yeast; alcohol; patterns of drinking; disease; mortality; dose response; monotonous; protective effects; curvilinear; alcohol control policy; alcohol; injury; review; risk; mortality; morbidity; policy; intervention; alcohol; policy; public health; alcohol industry; Canada; alcohol; body weight; obesity; eating dietary intake; drinking pattern; alcohol; labelling; health warning labels; effectiveness; implementation; alcohol; burden of disease; death; disability; infectious diseases; non-communicable diseases; injuries; global; policy; no-alcohol products; low-alcohol products; production; consumption; health impact; alcohol; gut; liver; cirrhosis; hepatocellular carcinoma; microbiome; alcohol; acetaldehyde; oxidative stress; inflammation; one carbon metabolism; lipid metabolism; DNA damage; cancer; carcinogenesis; alcohol; communicable diseases; infectious diseases; HIV; tuberculosis; pneumonia; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; alcohol drinking; binge drinking; cardiovascular diseases; ischaemic heart disease; hypertension; stroke; review; alcohol; fetal; fetal alcohol spectrum disorder; morbidity; mortality; pregnancy; alcohol; risk assessment; hepatotoxicity; dose–response relationship; margin of exposure; epidemiological methods; alcohol; brain; addiction; alcoholism; n/a

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