
Physics of Impurities in Quantum Gases

Edited by
September 2022
234 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4873-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4874-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Physics of Impurities in Quantum Gases that was published in

Physical Sciences

The Special Issue contains theoretical and experimental works that report on studies of impurities in quantum gases, fundamental properties and universal aspects of quasiparticles and other related many-body phenomena. Particular focus is placed on the Fermi and Bose polarons.

The Special Issue contains ten research articles and two reviews. M. G. Skou et al. report on the experimental observation of time dynamics of Bose polarons. Theoretical studies by H. Tajima et al., L. A. Ardila, and G. Panochko and V. Pastukhov touch upon the physics of multiple impurities, in particular, the induced impurity–impurity interactions in different spatial dimensions and the formation of multi-polaron states. G. M. Koutentakis et al. elaborate on the phenomenon of temporal orthogonality catastrophe in low dimensions. Polaritons in an electron gas are discussed by M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani et al. M. Brooks et al. describe the emergence of anyons originating from angulons. F. Scazza et al. provide an overview of our current understanding of repulsive Bose and Fermi polarons. C. D’Errico and M. G. Tarallo explicate the effects of disorder in bosonic systems. The Special Issue also includes studies of correlated atom pairs in bosonic mixtures by O. Alon, the behavior of the three-body decay rate coefficients into shallow dimers in mass-imbalanced three-atom systems by P. Giannakeas and C. H. Greene, population and angular momentum transfer in Raman-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates by K. Mukherjee et al.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Bose–Einstein condensate; Laguerre–Gaussian; Raman transition; cold atoms; light–matter interaction; particle transfer; density pattern; polaron; impurity; spectroscopy of quasiparticles; interpolaron correlations; quantum depletion; ultracold atoms; Bose–Einstein condensate; Fermi degenerate gases; Bose–Einstein condensates; impurity dynamics; ramsey interferometry; polarons; polariton; Fermi polaron; Landau theory; quasiparticle interactions; Bose–Einstein condensates; mixtures; identical-boson pairs; distinguishable-boson pairs; natural geminals; natural orbitals; reduced density matrices; intra-species reduced density matrices; inter-species reduced density matrices; fragmentation; condensation; infinite-particle-number limit; harmonic-interaction models; pair fragmentation; Schmidt decomposition; center-of-mass; relative center-of-mass; anyons; quasiparticles; Quantum Hall Effect; topological states of matter; few-body collisions; Efimov effect; mass-imbalanced systems; recombination; Bose–Einstein condensates; cold gases in optical lattices; quantum phase transitions; disordered systems; Bose polaron; pattern formation; temporal orthogonality catastrophe; Lee-Low-Pines transformation; mobile and immobile impurities; Bose polaron and bipolaron; effective field theory approach; induced interaction; polaron–polaron interaction; induced interaction; gas of impurities; quantum–Monte Carlo; Fermi polarons; Bose polarons; repulsive interactions; metastable quasiparticles; quasiparticle lifetime; mediated interactions; repulsive Fermi gas; ultracold atomic mixtures

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