
The Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

Edited by
January 2023
334 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6411-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6410-4 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue The Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology

Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, diagnosed after the 20th week of gestation in women experiencing new-onset hypertension along with symptoms affecting the liver, kidneys, or brain. In some cases, women with preeclampsia develop novel seizures or unexplained coma, at which time they are diagnosed with eclampsia. The mechanisms contributing to preeclampsia and eclampsia are not fully elucidated, although the placenta seems to play a critical role. Previous studies suggest that improper placentation stimulates mitochondrial dysfunction and the exaggerated release of placental-derived molecules including inflammatory cytokines, anti-angiogenic factors, reactive oxygen species, and cell-free nucleic acids into the maternal circulation that cause systemic vascular dysfunction. These, along with maternally derived molecules, act in concert, leading to hypertension and target organ damage during pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and eclampsia.In this reprint, we present the original research articles and review papers published as part of the Special Issue: "The Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia" in Cells.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
pre-eclampsia; eclampsia; pulmonary oedema; biobank; database; eclampsia; placental ischemia; seizure; ASIC2a; pregnancy; RUPP; pentylenetetrazol; melatonin; extracellular vesicle; exosome; preeclampsia; misfold proteins; endothelial cell activation; p21Cip1/CDKN1A; trophoblasts; preeclampsia; hypoxia; trophoblast organoids; fusion; preeclampsia; angiotensin II; AGTR1 (angiotensin II receptor type 1); bradykinin; BDKRB2 (bradykinin receptor B2); AT1R-B2R heteromer (protein complex formed of AT1R-B2R); G-protein-coupled receptor; protein aggregation; ARRB (beta-arrestin); early-onset preeclampsia; hemorheology; red blood cell aggregation; red blood cell deformability; erythrocyte; hypertension; preeclampsia; IL-2; inflammation; oxidative stress; placental ischemia; hypertension; preeclampsia; sFlt-1; oxidative stress; placental ischemia; NLRP3; preeclampsia; nitric oxide; endothelial dysfunction; oxidative stress; inflammation; eclampsia; neuroinflammation; blood–brain barrier; preeclampsia; cerebral edema; preeclampsia; pregnancy; gestation; hypertension; vessel; blood pressure; placenta; trophoblast; placenta; preeclampsia; fetal growth restriction; maternal chronic venous disease (CVeD); anti-inflammation; antioxidant; hypertension; ischaemia; vitamin E; glucose transporter 9; GLUT9; uric acid; preeclampsia; preeclampsia; cardiac dysfunction; placental factors; activin A; preeclampsia; G-protein-coupled receptors; GPCR; weighted gene correlation network analysis; WGCNA; blood-brain barrier; preeclampsia; pregnancy; in vitro studies; cerebral biomarkers; NfL; tau; NSE; S100B; nebivolol; nitric oxide; adrenoceptor; preeclampsia; endothelial dysfunction; pre-eclampsia; obesity; biomarkers; adipokines; adiponectin; leptin; ROS; angiogenic factors; preeclampsia; hypoxia; hypoxia/reoxygenation; sFlT-1/PlGF ratio; primary trophoblast; inflammation; oxidative stress