
Food Bioactive Compounds: Chemical Challenges and Opportunities

Edited by
February 2023
426 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6793-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6792-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Food Bioactive Compounds: Chemical Challenges and Opportunities that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

In recent years, there has been a growing need for both nutritional and healthy foods with superior functional properties. In this line, bioactive compounds are economically available in different foods systems with limitations in quality and functionality.The present Special Issue is placed in this context, and aimed to provide a collection of modern chemical strategies developed with the intent of extracting, characterizing, tracing, or authenticating food bioactive compounds. Original research articles dealing with innovative techniques for the extraction (e.g., green chemistry) of bioactive compounds were welcomed. In addition, when discussing modern analytical methods, the structural characterization and identification of these active components were required. Attention was also devoted to theoretical aspects of the determination of the bioactivity and mechanisms of action of food bioactive compounds, as well as challenging properties for application as drug agents. Review articles providing an overview of the latest trends in this area of interest were also very welcomed.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Tartary buckwheat powder; airflow ultrafine-grinding; grinding pressure; particle size; chemical compositions; morphology; Parkinson’s disease; CPO-B; MPP+; Erk1/2; neuroprotection; soluble dietary fiber; resistant oligosaccharide; viscous fiber; gut microbiota; human health; effect-directed analysis; healthy food; food processing; adulteration; authentication; hairless canary seed groats; carotenoid identification; LC-MS/MS; baked products; phenolic compounds; high hydrostatic pressure; reactive oxygen species; biosynthesis; extraction; stress response; cell wall modification; flavonoid extraction; mung bean; phenolic extraction; pressurized liquid extraction; response surface methodology; diabetes; Bauhinia strychnifolia; α-glucosidase; dipeptidyl peptidase-IV; glucose uptake; flavonoids; milk phospholipids; sphingomyelin; skin hydration; Nrf2; hyaluronic acid; Cupressus sempervirens essential oil; antibacterial activity; membrane permeability; replication and transcription inhibition; computational toxicology; molecular docking; zebrafish; byproducts; enriched pasta; potato peel; physical properties; sensory traits; spearmint; commercial materials; antimicrobial activity; antioxidant activity; untargeted metabolomics; bioprospection; Cowpea; Mo soil treatment; Fe and Zn foliar application; ODAP; neurotoxin; grass pea; Lathyrus sativus; growth stage; neurolathyrism; non-protein amino acids; Canarium odontophyllum; cytotoxicity; antioxidant; fatty acid profiles; geographical location; acrylamide; antioxidant capacity; ascorbic acid; cell cycle; ionome; morphology; oxidative stress; Schizosaccharomyces pombe; rosehip; bioactive compounds; antioxidant capacity; encapsulation; specialized pro-resolving mediators; resolvins; maresins; annexins; lipoxins; protectins; glial cells; neuroinflammation; neurodegeneration; cerebrovascular disorders; multiple sclerosis; dementia; bromelain; expression; purification; catalytic activity; metal ion; antioxidant; traditional medicine; Bergenia ligulata; bioactive compounds; anti-urolithiatic; antioxidant; anti-pyretic; anti-diabetic; anti-inflammatory; cardiovascular diseases; olive oil; fluorescence spectroscopy; olive oil conservation; packaging; quality parameters; olive mill wastewater; microfiltration; fermentation; microbial pool; hydroxytyrosol; functional beverage; antidiabetic potential; antioxidant capacity; constant electric field; drying; magnetic field; pretreatment; pulsed electric field; total phenolic content; flavonoids; antimicrobial agents; Staphylococcus aureus; hemolysis; membranes; fluidity

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