
Developing “Smartness” in Emerging Environments and Applications with Focus on the Internet of Things (IoT)

Edited by
April 2023
384 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6183-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6184-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Developing “Smartness” in Emerging Environments and Applications with Focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

This reprint focusses on Smartness, a multidisciplinary topic, which is examined from four perspectives: Sensors, IoT, and Data Generation; Data and Information Processing; Actuation; and Digital Systems and Infrastructure. We see smartness in the way sensing is embedded in a system, the way data and information are processed, how a system interacts internally and with its environment, and whether a system is ubiquitous or limited by space (cloud-based or edge-enabled). This reprint contains a total of 14 chapters, which are grouped according to their areas of application: mobility and transportation, healthcare, industrial environments, and other urban infrastructures. This book covers a range of topics, including mobility; healthcare; image analysis; permeable pavements; solid-waste management; sensor node and gateway architectures; cloud, fog, and edge computing; air-quality monitoring; thermal anomalies and smart helmets in industrial environments; smart airports; smart districts; smart travel choices; sensor cities; artificially intelligent cities; platform urbanism; and more.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
artificial intelligence (AI); artificially intelligent city; artificially intelligence commons; smart city; smart urban technology; urban informatics; sustainable urban development; climate change; pandemics; natural disasters; sensor city; City 4.0; sustainable urban development; smart city; smart urbanism; smart governance; disruptive urban transition; Internet-of-Things (IoT); technology giants; sensors; transit; bus; transfer; smart card; spatial analysis; mode choice; internet of everything (IoE); 6th generation (6G) networks; artificial intelligence; Distributed AI as a Service (DAIaaS); fog computing; edge computing; cloud computing; smart airport; smart districts; PPE; OHS; risk detection; naive Bayes; support vector machine; convolutional neural network; deep learning; microcontroller; edge-fog-cloud computing; Internet of Things; robotics; artificial intelligence; autonomous driving; image registration; smart sensor; real time big data; land-use; air quality; particulate matter (PM10 PM2.5); Intelligent Transportation Systems; functional requirements; machine learning; model actionability; model evaluation; cloud server; customized sensor node; customized gateway; FLoRa simulation; LoRa range radio; solid waste management; smart cities; big data; event detection; road traffic; distributed machine learning; automatic labeling; social media; data analytics; social media analytics; Arabic tweets; 3D microstructure reconstruction; permeable pavement; deep learning; generative adversarial networks; tiny AI; tiny ML; distributed AI as a service (DAIaaS); fog computing; edge computing; cloud computing; skin disease diagnosis; healthcare; smart societies; smart cities; smart healthcare; reference architecture; TensorFlow; visually impaired; smart mobility; sensors; LiDAR; ultrasonic; deep learning; obstacle detection; obstacle recognition; assistive tools; edge computing; green computing; sustainability; Arduino Uno; smart app; n/a