
Plant Genomics 2019

Volume II

Edited by
June 2023
584 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8090-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8091-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Genomics 2019 that was published in

This Reprint is part of the book set Plant Genomics 2019.

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Vols 1 and 2 contain 57 papers in the Special Issue of ‘Plant Genomics 2009’ and cover a wide range of topics, highlighting the significant progress that has been made in recent years in our understanding of the genetics and genomics of plants’ growth, development, and stress responses. These studies provide valuable insights into the potential applications of genomic tools and technologies for crop improvement and sustainable agriculture, as well as fundamental questions about the evolution and function of plant genes and genomes.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Aristolochia; chloroplast genome; molecular evolution; compare analysis; phylogeny; brassinosteroid-signaling kinase; gene family; expression profile; alternative splicing; intron retention; genome-wide analysis; drought tolerance; foxtail millet; LIM genes; transgenic rice; protein phosphatase (PP2C); cotton; syntenic relationships; expression patterns; evolutionary analysis; Populus trichocarpa; multiple organellar RNA editing factor; drought stress; RNA editing; genome; β-glucosidase; Brassica rapa; BrBGLU10; pollen development; co-expression analysis; VQ genes family; Eucalyptus grandis; expression pattern; plant hormones; abiotic stress; calcium-dependent protein kinases; CDPK-related kinases; evolutionary analysis; expression pattern; abiotic stress; cucurbitaceae; hst1; Na+ accumulation; SNP; rapid generation advance; salt tolerant; variant annotation; whole-genome sequencing; expression; genome-wide; identification of peroxidase genes; duplication pattern; stress; cassava; ABCDE model; cereals; evolutionary relationships; flower organ identity; floral speciation; MADS-box genes; maize; ZmTCP; natural variation; drought tolerance; subgroup IId; CsWRKY7; flowering; Arabidopsis; Camellia sinensis; pomegranate; chloroplast genome; sequence diversity; site-specific selection; phylogeny; tomato; MADS-box; genome-wide analysis; floral organ; fruit development; polygalacturonase (PGs), pectin methylesterase (PMEs), collinearity analysis; gene duplications; expression profiling; grapevine; Rehmannia glutinosa L.; replant disease; rhizosphere microbes; NB-LRR; plant hormone; apple; aquaporin; functional analysis; stress tolerance; Salicaceae; phylogenetic relationship; plastid genome; comparative genomics; repeat sequences; stress marker genes; sesame; gene co-expression; abiotic stress tolerance; hub genes; meta-analysis; agrobacterium; transient expression; virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS); tobacco rattle virus (TRV); cassava (Manihot esculenta); chalcone synthase; chromatin accessibility; epigenetic inheritance; genetic engineering; methylation; ODNs; CRISPR/Cas9; genome editing; plant breeding; multiplex genome editing; crop improvement; TALEN; ZFN; biotic stress; abiotic stress; avocado; carotenoid biosynthesis; mesocarp; seed; de novo assembly from short read sequencing; full-length transcript sequencing; differentially expressed genes; gene dosage; pigment; turnip; gene expression; antioxidant; nutritional quality; B3 superfamily; transcription factor; ovule abortion; Vitis vinifera; expression analysis; cold response; Pittosporum tobira; leaf variegation; linoleic acid; ROS scavenging enzyme; heat shock protein; invasive weed; Rhizoctonia solani; gene expression; phytohormone signaling; systemic signal; plant defense; calcium-dependent protein kinases; calcium signaling; ABA; drought; salinity; citrulline; genome-wide association study; haplotype; watermelon; acetolactate synthase; ferrochelatase; rice; large grain gene; large grain-isogenic Koshihikari; fine mapping; NGS; GW2; co-integration; gene recombination; semidwarf gene; d60; linkage; chromosome 2; Brachypodium; comparative chromosome barcoding; dysploidy; karyotype structure and evolution; model grass genus; molecular cytogenetics; polyploidy; plant genome; artificial microRNA; gene silencing; Arabidopsis; rice; Lagerstroemia indica; gene expression; ornamental value; anthocyanins; leaf coloration; directional improvement; YABBY; pineapple; expression pattern; subcellular localization; abiotic stress; oak species identification; chloroplast genome; Quercus; mutation hotspots; Centranthera grandiflora Benth; transcriptome; catalpol biosynthesis; acteoside biosynthesis; azafrin biosynthesis; wheat; Dasypyrum villosum; alien substitution line; GISH; molecular marker; marker-assisted selection; regulation; RNA-seq; abiotic stress; biosynthesis pathway; chalcones; stilbenes; common bean; Fusarium oxysproum; plant–pathogen interaction; transcriptome; metabolome; evolution; genome fractionation; ABC transporters; transcription factors; transposable elements; whole-genome duplication; RNA-sequencing; ChIP-sequencing; transcriptome; transcriptional regulatory mechanism; data integration; karyopherin; solanum tuberosum; abiotic stress; expression analysis; chemical fungicide; disease control; Neoscytalidium dimidiatum; royal poinciana; stem canker; UAE; bioinformatics; grapevine; ovule abortion; VvGAST; GASR; Cis-elements; wheat; wheat genome; kernel hardness; Puroindoline; Puroindoline b-2 variants; genotype-to-phenotype association; synteny; phylogenetic analysis; wheat; genomic selection; missing data; minor allele frequency; GDSL lipase; GPAT6; cutin; habaneros; Capsicum chinense; fruit; RNA-Seq; flax; genome-wide association study (GWAS); single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); genomic selection; prediction accuracy; quantitative trait loci (QTL); quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs); Fabaceae; Lupinus; glutamine synthetase (GS); phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC); phylogeny; evolution; gene families; duplication/triplication; structural genomics; genome organization; genome evolution; microRNA; miRNA156; seed development; fatty acid synthesis; linseed flax; anthocyanins; anthocyanin biosynthetic genes; cis-regulatory motifs; DEGs; network analysis; qRT-PCR; reddish purple Chinese cabbage; transcriptome; transcription factors; abscisic acid; flavonolignans; fruit development; gene expression; metabolite profiling; Silybum marianum; silymarin; aquaporins; bright yellow-2 suspension cells; Nicotiana tabacum; substrate specificity; phylogeny; wheat; cereals; TaCKX1; TaCKX expression; grain yield; cytokinins; phytohormones; gene silencing; RNAi; wheat spikes; genome-wide identification; expression analysis; 2OGD family; hormone biosynthetic and metabolism genes; tomato fruit ripening; Brachypodium; DNA methylation; drought; flowering; genome; phenomics