
Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic

Edited by
July 2023
228 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8269-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8268-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

This Special Issue is dedicated to collating recent research on the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and Antarctica Peninsula region. This Issue also considers the spreading of Antarctic Bottom Water. Papers in this issue are focused on field research of the physical properties and ecology of this key region of the Southern Ocean. The main objects of the study are the properties of seawater, currents, ecosystems, and biological communities in the South Atlantic, the Powell Basin of the northwestern Weddell Sea, the Bransfield Strait, and the Antarctic Sound. The Antarctic marine ecosystem is unique in terms of its biodiversity and high productivity of the basic trophic levels of the ecosystem. This ecosystem is efficiently used by organisms such as seabirds, seals, and whales that feed on Antarctic krill.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
cryptophytes; nanophytoplankton; picophytoplankton; photosynthetic picoeukaryotes; phytoplankton bloom; Bransfield Strait; Antarctic Peninsula; flow cytometry; subtropical rings; Subantarctic rings; CTD; ADCP; optical and hydrochemical parameters; methane; primary production; plankton; fish; birds and whales; Orkney Passage; hydraulic control; subcritical; supercritical flows; Bransfield Strait; deep overflow; CTD; LADCP; bottom circulation; Antarctic krill Euphausia superba; eggs; nauplii; calyptopis; furcilia; abundance; distribution; Atlantic sector; Southern Ocean; methane; temperature; salinity; current system; the Bransfield Strait; South Ocean; Antarctic Bottom Water; Vema Channel; CTD/LADCP measurements; three jets of bottom current; chlorophyll a; Euphausiacea; Euphausia superba; Salpa thompsoni; planktonic tunicate; climate change; feeding competition; Malvinas Current; submesoscale; water mass; Lagrangian analysis; upper mixed layer; euphotic layer; bio-optical; fluorescence; primary production; SADCP; CTD; Euphausia superba; Salpa thompsoni; mesoparasitic copepods; bacterioplankton; bioluminescence; chlorophyll a; optically active components; trace elements; heavy metals; Atlantic sector of the Antarctic; benthos; nemerteans; larvae; bipolar distribution; mesozooplankton; copepods; euphausiid larvae; distribution; abundance; biomass; Bransfield Strait; Antarctic Sound; Weddell Sea; South Orkney Islands; Southern Ocean; n/a