
Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses

Volume I

Edited by
August 2023
558 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8536-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8537-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses that was published in

This Reprint is part of the book set Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses.

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

Plants under natural conditions often face multiple stresses, including drought, salinity, temperature extremes, submergence stress, bacteria, viruses, fungi, insects, etc. These biotic and abiotic stresses negatively influence plant growth and productivity. Various approaches have recently been used to overcome stresses in plants. It is necessary to evaluate and explore how diverse molecular techniques can be applied to different biological studies to improve biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in plants. This will help reduce production losses and increase crop tolerance to various stresses. It is now the time to make a difference by developing plants that can withstand biotic and abiotic stresses.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
antioxidants; drought; oxidative stress; pearl millet; redox implications; ROS; chlorophyll fluorescence efficiency; photosynthetic responses; enzyme activity; sugarcane; smut; circadian clock; reactive oxygen species; Al-induced PCD; photoperiodism; peanut; phylogenetic; virus-induced gene silencing; transgenic lines; physiological and biochemical analysis; Glycine max L.; PR proteins; chitinase; genome-wide; plant stresses; crop residues; profitability; soil fertility; soil biology; allelopathy; heat shock protein 20; maize; abiotic stress; yeast-one-hybrid; abiotic stresses; cotton; hormones; signaling pathway; WRKY; papaya (Carica papaya); brassicales; late embryogenesis abundant protein; orthogroup; abiotic stress; expression profile; artificial light; auxins; chicory; callus cells; inulin; plant growth regulators; milk thistle; secondary metabolites; ecotypes; salinity; growth attributes; abiotic stress; biotic stress; phenolic compounds; seaweed; Dendrobium catenatum; lipase; multi-omics; expression pattern; gene family; bio-fertilizer; ionic homeostasis; organic amendments; salinity; vermicompost; cold stress; PKS5; stomatal aperture; microbiota; natural farming; physical factors; physiological changes; signal transduction and stressed conditions; Rhizobium leguminosarum; PGPR; Triticum aestivum L.; cadmium stress; tolerance; ascorbate; glutathione; malondialdehyde; chlorophylls; disease gradient; disease outbreak; Puccinia; wheat stripe rust; plant epidemic; dispersal ecology; alternative plant vitrification solution; ammonium-free medium; cytotoxicity; droplet-vitrification; endangered species; liquid overlay; regrowth medium; within-plant phenotypic plasticity; combined stresses; additive; antagonistic and synergic effects; VOCs; potassium; soybean; water logging; yield; non-thermal plasma; plant defense; glucosinolates; nitriles; RNA sequencing; Arabidopsis thaliana; Bt toxins; Cry1Ah1 transgenic poplar; ecology; environment; rhizosphere; abiotic stress; candidate genes; drought tolerance; crop improvement; climate change; adaptation; Chenopodium quinoa Willd.; genotypes; salinity; Sahara; Algeria; chitosan; pathogen; sustainable; plant protection; abiotic stress; drought; tomato; reactive oxygen species; oxidative stress; melatonin; photosynthesis; climate changes; antioxidant system; Malus seedlings; NaCl treatments; enzyme activity; membrane damage; osmotic regulation; archives; botanical collection; Greece; landscape; pre-rebellion period; wheat; priming; Aspergillus niger; qRT-PCR; wilting; TLP; chitinase; β-1,3-glucanase; biostimulants; biofertilizers; rhizosphere; soil microorganisms; phytostimulator; jewel sweet potato; shoot tip; axillary bud; different MS salts concentration; plant growth regulators; artificial light; micropropagation; plant performance; C4 species; heterozygosity; transient soil salinity; soil layers; desertification; arid regoins; total flavonoid; phenolics; antioxidant activity; centella; Na+ content; molecular markers; MAS; oilseeds; abiotic stress; SSRs; molecular breeding; climate change; abiotic stress; dehydration-responsive element binding (DREB) transcription factors; gene expression; mosses; stress tolerance; common centaury; salinity stress; oxidative stress; antioxidative protection; sodium nitroprusside; proteomic analysis; drought stress; maize; sorghum; drought tolerance; ROS; RNS; RSS; signaling; post-translational modification; stress tolerance; microorganisms; stressful conditions; sustainability; abiotic stresses; nutrition; Brassicaceae; Cicer arietinum L.; chlorophyll a fluorescence transient; physiological and biochemical traits; high temperature; chocolate spot disease; Botrytis fabae; faba bean; antioxidant enzymes; protein banding and anatomy; actinobacteria; Streptomyces tuirus; chilli fruit rot; Colletotrichum scovillei; Colletotrichum truncatum; Fusarium oxysporum; liquid bio-formulation; antioxidant enzymes; chlorophylls; corn smut; fungus infection; maize; MDA; proline; quality; salinity; halophytes; Tripolium pannonicum; proline; hydrogen peroxide; antioxidant enzymes; cell wall extensibility; cell wall polysaccharide; coleoptile; growth inhibition; lead (Pb); rice; Bactrocera oleae; spinosad; kaolin; organic oliviculture; abiotic stress; chlorophyll fluorescence; drought tolerance; leaf gas exchange; physiological traits; BAG (Bcl-2-associated anthanogene) family proteins; abiotic stress; molecular chaperone; metabolomics; tolerance; metabolic responses; biotic stress; abiotic stress; metabolites variation; surveillance; Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus; comprehensive control; distribution; screen house; Copper hyperaccumulation; stress mitigation; EDTA and IAA; sunflower; Fusarium wilt; conventional breeding; molecular makers; QTLs; genomics; transcriptomics; metabolomics and proteomics; bread wheat; AMF; zinc; drought; growth parameters; osmolyte; osmoprotector; ionic attributes; PGPBs; abiotic stresses; growth-promoting fungi; crop productivity; plant tolerance; arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; aerobic rice; soil enzymes; phosphorus utilization; P-deficient; plant growth promotion; chickpea; drought stress; selection indices; drought tolerant genotypes; abiotic and biotic stress; CRISPR; mega nucleases; TALEN; ZFN