
Land, Ageing, Gender and Environment: Problems and Challenges from Different Disciplines

Edited by
September 2023
312 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8202-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8203-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Land, Ageing, Gender and Environment: Problems and Challenges from Different Disciplines that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Recent studies argue that we are facing a silent and not so novel socio-environmental crisis. This reprint is based on the evidence and confirms the need to continue the evaluation and research in several key aspects of land, from different approaches and disciplines. Therefore, the aim of this reprint- in the context of some Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - is to bring together researchers from different fields and open a dialogue regarding some gaps of the land, including ageing and gender relationships. The current reprint focused on the following: Land and environment from sociological, health, psychological, political, technological, economic, communication and engineering sciences; Active ageing and dependent old age (role in relation to environment, accessibility, and usability; Gender studies regarding environmental issues; Differences or comparison of population (gender, feminisms, and intergenerational approach); Evaluation of programs and initiatives at different levels; Socio-health addressing land interactions and impacts on health (physical and psychosocial); Images, stereotypes, and attitudes from the different socio-political agents; New technologies and technological and economic approaches contribute to land, reduction of emissions/water consumption and the improvement of environmental management, sustainable construction, and buildings, among others.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
ageing; gender; environment; satisfaction life; quality of life indicator; ecological footprint; dynamic factor model; cross-country links; gender differences; built environment; social environment; cycling activity; older urban adults; family caregiver; dementia; psychosocial adjustment; rural–urban spaces; gender; aging; Navarre; images; ageism; aging stereotypes; social policies; programmes; differences by countries; behavior problems; memory problems; long-term care; nursing homes; professional quality of life; professional caregivers; burnout; job satisfaction; territory and instrument development; rural; self-perceived health; older people; gender; activity; socio-spatial; protected areas; climate change; socioeconomic indicators; Spain; ICTs; digitization; digital divides; seniors; gender; socio-spatial inequalities; older women; social imaginary; active ageing; profiguration; gender; narrative; local territorial context; social sustainability; prejudices; ageing in place; place attachment; older women; neighbourhood; smart and sustainable city; landscape; urban studies; internet of things; air quality and noise monitoring; wellness and preventive care; COVID-19; water; drought; climate change; environment; sustainability; citizen participation; programme assessment; evaluation; education for sustainability; STEM; STEAM; land; rural environment; interdisciplinary education; USA; Spain; aging industry; regional economy; coupling coordination degree; spatial Dubin model (SDM); land; environmental issues; older people; gender; images; evaluation