
Neural Frontiers

December 2023
528 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9764-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9765-2 (PDF)

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of neurological sciences, the intersection ofknowledge between neurology, neurodegeneration, neuroscience, and neurosurgery is both vastand deep. Neural Frontiers is an ambitious endeavor that seeks to encapsulate the essence of theseinterconnected disciplines through a tapestry of articles and research findings.The primary aim of this yearbook is to provide a comprehensive overview of the latestdevelopments and breakthroughs in these fields. Our purpose is not only to showcasegroundbreaking research and innovative practices but also to foster a deeper understanding of thecomplexities of the human brain and nervous system. This compilation serves as both a reflection ofthe current state of knowledge and a beacon guiding future explorations.The motivation for this work stems from a collective desire to bridge gaps between theory andpractice, between academics and clinicians, and between the diverse specialties within neurologicalsciences.By bringing together a wide array of perspectives, we hope to offer a holistic view of the subjectmatter that is both informative and inspiring.This yearbook is primarily intended for students, educators, practitioners, and researchers in thefields of neurology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery. However, its comprehensive nature makes it avaluable resource for anyone interested in the intricacies of brain science, from medical professionalsto curious lay readers.The contributions within these pages are the result of the tireless efforts of a diverse groupof authors, including seasoned professors and practicing doctors. Each author brings a uniqueperspective, shaped by their individual experiences and areas of expertise, which collectively enrichesthe content of this yearbook.We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who have played a role in bringing this project tofruition. This includes not only our esteemed authors but also the mentors, colleagues, and peerswho have provided invaluable feedback, support, and inspiration. A special acknowledgment is dueto the core students that worked tirelessly on the production of the articles reunited in this book:• Razvan-Adrian Covache-Busuioc;• Bogdan-Gabriel Bratu;• Horia Petre Costin;• Antonio-Daniel Corlatescu;• Luca-Andrei Glavan;• David-Ioan Dumitrascu;• Andrei Adrian Popa;• Matei Serban.In conclusion, Neural Frontiers stands as a testament to the collaborative spirit and intellectualcuriosity that drives progress in neurological sciences. We hope that this yearbook will enlighten,inspire, and contribute significantly to the ongoing dialogue in these vital and fascinating fields.

  • Hardback
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