
Novel Principles and Methods in Bacterial Cell Cycle Physiology: Celebrating the Charles E. Helmstetter Prize in 2022

Edited by
January 2024
172 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9829-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9830-7 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Novel Principles and Methods in Bacterial Cell Cycle Physiology: Celebrating the Charles E. Helmstetter Prize in 2022 that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

This Science Historical Collection celebrates the inauguration of the “Charles E. Helmstetter Prize for Groundbreaking Research in Bacterial Cell Cycle Physiology” at the Ein Gedi's EMBO Workshop in December 2022. The bacterial cell cycle is fundamental to the physiology of the bacterial cell and, hence, to the many fields that depend on it. The roots of the bacterial cell cycle physiology are described in detail by several of the surviving pioneers (over 90 years of age) and selected worldwide scientists of the second generation. This issue contains contributions from the recipients of the prize who, fairly, may be said to have created our present understanding of the field. Control mechanisms of some fundamental issues of the bacterial cell cycle (e.g., chromosome replication and cell division) are elaborated and can serve as a basis for current and future discoveries.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
electron microscopy; phase-contrast microscopy; bacterial nucleoid; DNA polymer physics; protein depletion; chromosome arms; replication bubble; active and passive DNA segregation; bacterial physiology; division cycle; cell dimensions; nucleoid complexity; replication position; eclipse; microbiology; metabolism; replication; PykA; DnaE; moonlighting activity; cell cycle; synchronous cells; chromosome replication; initiation age; B period; C period; D period; bacterial cell cycle; DNA replication cycle; unbalanced growth; thymineless death; DNA repair replication; excision-repair; bacterial cell cycle; oriC; minichromosomes; DNA supercoiling; chromosome segregation; bacterial cell cycle; microscopic images; cell size; initiation mass; Initiation volume (Vi); unit length; partition; electron microscopy; confocal microscopy; image processing; bacteria; divisome; elongasome; PIPS; Charles E. Helmstetter Prize; E. coli; ribonucleotide reductase; sequestration; oriC; macromolecular crowding; differentiation; macromolecular synthesis operon; integrative suppression; L-form; n/a; n/a