
Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Edited by
January 2024
230 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0176-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0175-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Environmental Analytical Chemistry that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

The domain of environmental analytical chemistry includes all analytical aspects of studies related to environmental problems and their management. The analysis of organic, inorganic, and radioactive pollutants in air, water, soil, and biota is quite a challenging task at a time of large social development and climate change. In addition, the development of new analytical methods or the improvement of existing ones for the monitoring of pollutants is of paramount importance for achieving such goals. The other important task is the implementation of appropriate methods and procedures for pollution risk assessment, revealing sources, pathways of exposure, trends, and the spatial distribution of analyzed pollutants.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
e-cigarettes; e-liquids; toxic elements; trace elements; ICP-MS; soils; trace elements; rare earth elements; geoaccumulation index; enrichment factor; ICP-MS; Pchelina Reservoir; sediment; principal component analysis; Mann–Kendall test; ecotoxicity; chlorophenols; Daphnia magna; electrooxidation; ozonation; phenol; photocatalysis; bisphenol A; bisphenol A analogues; sunscreens; toxicity of mixtures; acute toxicity; environmental pollution; mangrove; rare earth elements; distribution; bioaccumulation; Avicennia marina; Red Sea; pharmaceuticals; parsley; plant metabolism; plant uptake; transformation products; LC-MS/MS analysis; coconut oil; natural solvent; downscaling extraction; colorimetric solvent extraction determination; copper (II); diphenylcarbazide; diphenylcarbazone; green chemical analysis; biomass; food waste; removal; heavy metal ions; nanocomposite; layered metal–sulfur; nitro-PAHs; oxy-PAHs; GC-NCI/MS; GC-PCI-MS/MS; aerosol samples; air contamination; VOCs; particulate matter; CO2; bioaerosol; sport center; Cr(III); Cr(VI); plant tolerance to chromium; chromium translocation in the plant; soil biochemical properties; soil analysis; nutrients; potentially toxic elements; multivariate statistics; principal components analysis; cluster analysis; kriging; soil management; n/a

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