
Coherent and Polarization Optics

Edited by
February 2024
192 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0190-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0189-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Coherent and Polarization Optics that was published in

Physical Sciences

Coherence and polarization are two of the intrinsic properties of a light field, which play a crucial role in determining the light beam propagation and light–matter interaction. The manipulation of coherence and polarization was recognized as an available method to produce many peculiar physical phenomena, which can be superior in some of these applications, such as free-space optical communications, microdensitometry, optical information processing, and plasmonics. The aim of this reprint is to provide a comprehensive exploration of manipulation of coherence and polarization of light and applications.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
PCTLGP beam; twist phase; pulse duration; spectral intensity; anisotropic atmospheric turbulence; cross phase; Pearcey beams; tight focusing; self-focusing; Poincaré beams; sharp focus; inseparability; radial spin Hall effect; spin angular momentum; orbital angular momentum; reverse energy flow; Poynting vector; optical vortex; singularity; energy flow; non-uniformly correlated beam; self-focusing; oceanic turbulence; turbulence resistance; twisting phase; vector beams; state of polarization (SOP); orbital angular momentum (OAM); partially coherent structured beam; oceanic turbulence; propagation; energy flux; off-axis vortex; noncanonical vortex; 3D optical field; reversed energy flux; radially polarized; partially coherent; stokes parameter; tight-focusing; beam array; correlation function; intensity; oceanic turbulence; asymmetric beam; Hermite–Gaussian beam; Laguerre–Gaussian beam; free space propagation; differential interference contrast; Nomarski prism; plane of apparent splitting; splitting angle; polarization holography; 2D polarization gratings; surface relief gratings; AFM; azopolymer PAZO; intense laser–matter interaction; discharge current; polarized THz radiation; intense THz radiation; n/a