
Crop Nutrient Requirements and Advanced Fertilizer Management Strategies

Edited by
March 2024
340 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0632-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0631-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Crop Nutrient Requirements and Advanced Fertilizer Management Strategies that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

This Special Issue reprint provides updates on relevant knowledge about the usefulness of improving fertilizer use efficiency in crops, thus ensuring enough food of acceptable quality for the rising world population while taking into account environmental considerations. Plant nutrient requirements and nutrition are complex issues, with 17 known nutrients necessary for plant growth and this field being an intersection of various sciences such as soil science, plant physiology, chemistry, circular economy, environmental science, and others. Plant nutrition is one of the most important elements on which the yield and quality of agricultural products depend. For about a century, a significant yield increase was seen thanks to the revolutionary method introduced by Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug on the use of chemical fertilizers for crops that can cover the nutritional needs of the world. But, what should we expect today? The current tendency around the world is to adjust to the actual nutritional needs of the consumers and plants, maximizing yields and improving quality, with special attention paid to the environment and the grower. This Special Issue provides nutrient management strategies and advanced knowledge on fertilizer use efficiency as one of the primary means of improving the quality and quantity of crops, contributing to a stable and healthy food chain.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
hemp (Cannabis sativa L.); nitrogen nutrition; nitrogen utilization efficiency; vegetative growth; artificial neural network; grain yield; Hordeum vulgare; nitrogen status; hyperspectral reflectance; oilseed rape; short-lived monoculture; sulphur; yield; seeds; straw; macroelements; harvest index; wheat; nitrification and urease inhibitors; split and single application of fertilizer; grain yield; quality of grain; drip irrigation; high-yield; fertilization rate; biomass; soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill); silicon fertilization; oil palm; growth; physiological response; chlorophyll; essential oil; nano-iron; phytopharmaceutical; rose-scented geranium; yield; Olea europaea trees; nutrients uptake; phosphorus fertilizers; growth and physiological parameters; yield and fruit quality; microelements’ diversity; aerial part; crops; species; cultivars; denitrification process; inhibitors; N transformation; nitrification rates; Saccharum spp.; phosphorus; Policote; polymers; phosphorus dilution curve; flax; phosphorus nutrition index; relative seed yield; phosphorus nutrition status; wheat and faba bean intercropping; grain protein content; protein fractions; profile of amino acids; nitrogen fertilization; nutrient stress; cotton production; modern cultivars; biomass accumulation; fiber quality; nitrification inhibitors; nitrogen management; soil ammonium; soil nitrate; grain yield; soil reaction; olive trees; acetic; citric and sulfuric acids; leaf nutrient content; growth and physiological parameters; productivity and its attributes; dry matter production; Duromide; pasture; urease inhibitor; Urochloa brizantha; nitrogen; phosphorus; shoot biomass; N:P ratio; gypsum; lime; Guinea grass; intercropping systems; acid soils; n/a; cannabis; development; fertilizer; growth; nutrition; uptake; deposition; translocation