
Advances in Sustainability Research from the University of Oradea

Edited by
April 2024
594 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0838-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0837-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Sustainability Research from the University of Oradea that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Interest in sustainability is constantly increasing, spanning all domains, from scholars and policy makers to practitioners all over the world. Moreover, the quest for greater sustainability has extended to encompass various non-economic arenas, including educational institutions such as universities. The concept of the “triple bottom line” highlights the three dimensions, i.e., economic, social and environmental, that must be considered in all human activities. Sustainable development goes hand in hand with digitalization, innovation and performance to create a suitable environment and conditions for a more sustainability-driven, prosperous, fair and peaceful economy and society for the future. When integrating coherent strategies for sustainable development, relevant research directions and policies focusing on the implementation of sustainability are a necessity.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
ecological renovation; green retrofitting; university campus; green building; sustainable development; renewable energy; thermal water; University of Oradea; sports events; dual-career students; academic and professional profile; university championship; perception; indoor air quality; museums; cultural heritage; tourism; human health; microclimate change; building envelope; building management system; energy efficiency; renewable energy sources; scientometrics; sustainable construction; Web of Science; zero energy building; demography; ethno-cultural heritage; multi-criteria analysis; spatial distribution; relationship; geothermal water; balneology; wellness and SPA; development; administration; rural settlements; Revolution of 1989; Bihor County; Romania; grape seed oil; ecological culture; bioactive profile; Fetească Regală; Merlot; CUPRAC method; Folin–Ciocalteu method; design tools; craft; fabrication; sustainability; circular economy; algorithm; textile waste; wheat grains; near-infrared spectrophotometry; quality chemical analysis; multivariate analysis of variance; strategy; sustainability; target; compatibility; quantification; convergence; activity patterns; lifestyle; post-pandemic; sociodemographic characteristics; Romanian population; sustainable innovation; ownership; business size; spa and health tourism; Baile Felix; black locust; Robinia pseudoacacia L.; in vitro propagation; tissue cultures; phytohormones; sustainability study; embodied energy; GHG gas emissions; metal frame; reinforced concrete; environmental; economic dimension; social criteria; buildings and construction; event quality; destination identity; tourist satisfaction; intention to recommend; intention to revisit; natural mineral water; hydrochemistry; microbiological analysis; spring; borehole; water quality; therapeutic effect; diseases; Analytical Hierarchy Process; black locust; green spaces; land management; maize; pedunculate oak; sunflower; gender equality; gender gap; higher education; field of study; international students; STEM; AHSS; medicine; Romania; digestive endoscopy; sustainability; pollution; medical/pharmaceutical waste; last stage of a product; wet-spun hemp; bleached hemp yarn; sustainable alternatives; border region; cross-border partnership; sustainable development; b-solutions program; economic/emission dispatch; wind power; logistic map; highly disruptive polynomial operator; optimization; Comet assay; DNA damage; sewage sludge; lymphocytes; coelomocytes; Allium cepa L.; bioindicators; regional economic development; research and development expenditures; innovation; Romania; North-West Region; pro-environment behavior; place attachment; rural communities; collective attitudes; social inclusion; behavioral education; ecosystems conservation; employee development; sustainable HRM; financial tools; human resources; investment strategy; modular autonomous vehicles; public transport; energy efficiency; airport connection; sustainability; safety factor; embodied energy; GHG gas emissions; retaining wall; reinforced concrete; environmental protection; geogrids; soil improvement; 3D terrestrial laser scanner; Building Information Modeling (BIM); 3D modeling; waste reduction; sustainable methodology; fuel cell buses; battery electric buses; energy efficiency; energy analysis; hydrogen; data collection; public transportation; urban scenario; metal coin; coin withdrawn; coin canceling method; metal sustainable recycling; 3D modeling; FEM analysis; collectible item; fruit tree nursery; planting material; fertilization; irrigation; cultivar; stem diameter; n/a