
The Effects of Housing and Management on the Behaviour and Welfare of Hens and Broilers

Edited by
May 2024
176 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1104-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1103-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue The Effects of Housing and Management on the Behaviour and Welfare of Hens and Broilers that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences

This Special Issue focuses on current housing and management trends in laying hens and broilers, bringing readers the most up-to-date information from reputable scientists working in these fields. Housing and management practices have a significant influence on the health and wellbeing of poultry, such as hens and broilers. In recent years, many housing trends have changed, for example with the increased use of multi-tier aviaries for hens (and the rearing of pullets), the move away from caged egg production, or the use of windows in broiler housing. Management practices are also changing on a regular basis, with many countries aiming to stop routine beak trimming in laying hens or the increased practice of providing natural light to hens and broilers. Such changes can have an influence on how birds behave, their welfare, and their production. This Special Issue aims to elucidate some of these influencers on our most prolific production animal.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
broiler chicken; affective state; environmental complexity; stocking density; anxiety; fear; animal welfare; attention bias; tonic immobility; animal welfare; animal behavior; normal behavior; flooring; meat birds; ethology; Lohmann Brown-Lite; Lohmann LSL-Lite; novel object test; heterophil/lymphocyte ratio; environmental navigation; artificial light; behaviour; dark side; environment; glass window; natural light; poultry; preference test; broiler; environmental enrichment; scatter feed; foraging; engagements; dust bathing; foraging; play; laying hen; novel objects; perching structures; navigation; Australia; chicken; free-range; preference; radiation; range enrichment; shelter; ultraviolet; broiler; enrichment; footpad dermatitis; hock burn; litter quality; stocking density; walking ability; broiler; behavior; perforated floor; elevated platform; animal welfare; hen health; damaging behaviour; laying hens; housing system; hay; pecking blocks; scattered feed; ropes; injurious pecking; feather scores; cost; behaviour; welfare

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