
Offshore Renewable Energy

Edited by
May 2024
242 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1141-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1142-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Offshore Renewable Energy that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

Offshore renewable energy is an abundant clean energy source. Its development and utilization will be beneficial for the development of a low-carbon economy and the achievement of energy-saving and emission-reduction goals. It can aid in achieving a complementary energy supply between land and sea, reducing the pressure on the conventional fossil energy supply in economically developed and energy-intensive coastal areas. The development of offshore renewable energy is a long-term process; however, it is worth noting that, with the development and gradual maturity of various technologies, offshore renewable energy will become the mainstream new energy in the future. This Special Issue aims to provide updates regarding the development and utilization of offshore renewable energy. Potential topics include but are not limited to novel concepts, control strategies, modelling methods, intelligent equipment, and monitoring technology applications.

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