
Fly Biology, Ecology, Behavior and Management

Edited by
July 2024
166 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1575-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1576-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fly Biology, Ecology, Behavior and Management that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Diptera, known as the “true” flies, is one of the most numerous and diverse orders of insects, comprising about 125,000 species widely distributed throughout the world. These insects play an ecologically relevant role and bear significant importance to humans. Just as certain flies act as pollinators, decomposers, predators, and parasitoids, others are vectors of human diseases and represent serious pests of agriculture, stables, and barnyards. Several dipterans are involved in forensic legal investigations. This Special Issue collects the original research articles and reviews to deepen the biological, ecological, and behavioral knowledge of this diversified insect group and to cover management strategies for both pest and disease vector species. This involves a wide range of studies, such as life history, physiological aspects, reproduction, demographic traits, the ecology and evolution of behavioral patterns, population fluctuation and dynamics, diversity, abundance, trophic relationships, host range and status, natural enemies, integrated pest management, and control tactics.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
spotted-wing drosophila; drosophilid abundance; pupal parasitoid coexistence; ecological profiles; feral fruit host; non-crop environment; insect development; postmortem interval; blow fly; maggot development; breeding site; Drosophila; fruit markets; invasive species; niche breath; urban ecology; vegetable markets; Zaprionus; juvenile hormone; octopamine; methoprene; corpus allatum; sesquiterpenoids; hormone supplemental rescue therapy; mating receptivity; non-bee pollinators; Syrphidae; pollinator management interventions; fly reproduction; Anastrepha ludens; Tephritidae; olfaction; antennal ultrastructures; sensilla; sensory pit; hourglass-pore; spotted wing Drosophila; Trichopria anastrephae; in silico approaches; pesticide mode of action; stress; aging; food type; lifespan; pest management; sustainability; Bactrocera oleae; olive fruit fly; Wolbachia; Drosophila; fertility; developmental rate; heat stress; viability; medfly; spotted-wing drosophila; South American fruit fly; seasonal infestation level; fruit fly abundance; parasitoid; non-crop host; disturbed natural habitat

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